10. Dream come true (part 1)

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Aria's POV

Today is our first day in Hawaii. I woke up at nine o'clock from the tasty scent that was spread in my bedroom. I quickly got up and put on some clothes. I could recognize this scent anytime. It was pancakes.

When I reached the kitchen, I saw Lana and an another woman making breakfast.

"Good morning." I greeted them.

"Good morning, Mrs. Mikaelson!" Lani smiled brightly. "Your breakfast are in the living room. Mr. Mikaelson is waiting for you there."

"Thank you, Lani." I thanked at went to the living room. I stopped at the doorstep, when I saw Elijah sitting at the table while reading some old book.

In the middle of the table was standing a big pitcher of red blood. The table was loaded with delicious looking food and Elijah was sitting there like he didn't want to devour all of it. I walked and sat next to him.

"Good morning, Elijah."

"Good morning, dear." He said back, leaned and pecked my cheek. I smiled at him and we started eating our breakfast. May I say that it was very delicious.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked cheerfully. I was very eager to explore this beautiful island.

"Our guide will come after an hour and he'll take us to some special place... Hope you don't mind that I have already planned today?"

"Not at all. But what is that special place?" I asked curiously.

"For now it's only for me to know." I couldn't believe that he's doing this again.

"Elijah! Come on! An another surprise?! Seriously?!" I made a serious face thinking that he would actually think that I'm mad and tell me where are we going.

"Oh... But I thought that you liked my last surprise..." He pouted.

"I did, but... but..." I tried to find a good reason why he shouldn't do it again, but I haven't really succeed. When he noticed that, a big smile came on his face. He was so proud of himself while I just couldn't believe that he won again.

When we ended eating our food, I went to change into some white shorts, turquoise green shirt and white sandals. I took my small grey handbag and put there my phone, swimsuit and sunglasses. I kept my face natural and put my hair into a high ponytail.

I walked downstairs I found Elijah talking with, who I guess is, our guide. When I entered the room they both turned to me. I stood by Elijah's side. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"This is Aria, my wife." Elijah presented me to the man. "Aria, this is our guide, Tyler. He will escort us for a few days."

"It's nice to meet you, Tyler." I smiled and shook his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said smiling too. "So shall we go?"

"Sure. Dear, you're ready?" Elijah asked me.

"Yeah, let's go." And we all went outside.

Tyler started driving while Elijah and I were sitting in the backseats. Elijah turned to me with a blindfold in his hands. I looked curiously at him.

"Do you trust me?" He asked me suddenly. I was taken back by his question, but quickly answered.

"Of course I trust you, Elijah."

"Then I'll put this on you, okay? It's the part of surprise." I looked carefully at him. I wasn't very exited about this idea, but as I said, I trusted him.

Mrs. Mikaelson [1] {Elijah Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now