Chapter 11

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Julian's P.O.V

"You can go shower, I'll make us something to eat." Aiden says once we walk into the suite. I nod lightly before letting go of his hand for the first time since we kissed. I head to the bathroom quickly as my cheeks started to flood at the memory of what happened in that forest.
Once in the shower I let out an exhausted breath as I lean against the shower wall. My fingers brush my lips lightly as I smiled to myself, aggressively stifling the immature giggle that threatened to break free, I still couldn't really believe that we kissed. But we did, his lips were so appetizing and soft, I thought we'd never stop. The smile wouldn't leave my face as I starting scrubbing my skin, the words he said earlier kept invading my mind along with the memory of his tongue invading my mouth. It was too much, I could feel myself blushing hard.

"Are you okay in there?" Aiden asks through the door snapping me out of my trance. That's when I realise the warm water had turned cold, I had probably been in here for a while.

"I'm fine." I say quickly turning off the faucet and grabbing the towel, drying myself quickly before scrambling to get dressed.

"Well food's ready so don't take too long." He says before I hear the sounds of his distancing footsteps.
I sigh to myself as I slip on my sweatpants and a white t-shirt, looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes had bags under them and were a little puffy. Ignoring it, I put my hair in a quick knot before heading to the dining table.

"And here I thought you were disabled in everything excluding violence and couldn't cook." I say with a smirk as I walk in to see the plated food, a large salad for me and a ginormous sandwich filled with Goddess knows what for Aiden.

"That's exactly why I mixed your salad with chicken." He says walking over to me, my jaw twists to the side not sure if to believe him or not. Before I can reply he dips his head into my shoulder blade while pulling me into his body before inhaling deeply. "I missed that scent." He says letting me go as he makes his way to his seat, leaving me frazzled as I recover from the electric shocks that went through my body at his touch. Sliding into my seat I examine the food careful as Aiden dives into his own meal. Picking up some of the vegetables with my fork, I sniff is cautiously as I dissect the leafy substance with my eyes.

"I was joking earlier, just eat." He say chewing his food while looking at me. I narrow my eyes before putting it in my mouth and chewing quickly. "Or was I?" My chewing stops abruptly as I look at him with wide eyes, he watches me with amused eyes before he doubles over laughing uncontrollably.

"I hate you." I spit swallowing my food when I realise he's just pulling my strings, he just continues to laugh as he takes another bite of his sandwich.

"Because of what happened earlier, you missed your time to talk to the Team leaders about the scouting trip earlier this morning." He says changing the subject.

"Crap." I completely forgot with my whole disappearance act.

"It's cool, they don't mind meeting tomorrow. They left written reports for you though." He says quickly seeing the distraught in my eyes. I relax a bit before finishing my food quickly, when he's done, I take his plate and wash up for us. "What do you want to do? It's only seven."

"I have homework to do, so that first and then I'll check the reports." I say quickly before turning while drying my hands to see the slight disappointment in his eyes.

"Alright, well I've had a long day and my legs are about to give out." He says with a chuckle. "I'll be in the TV room if you need me."

(A.N: I say TV room cause I've seen den too many times and I have no idea what that is. We call it TV room here.)

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