Chapter 62

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It's a long chapter

Julian's P.O.V

"And all the neighboring packs have been notified?" I question.

"Yes alpha, they have all responded and have put out round the clock patrols around their areas." Beckett says making the table erupt into separate conversations, it was still weird for me to hear Beckett talk so officially to me but we had to in meetings like this.

"I think we should just attack." One Selsa yells, because he's one of the heads of defenses he believes he can charge in without a plan.

"Same here! We have the numbers and we'll kill them all in minutes!" Another shouts like some sort of heretic.

"They aren't like the usual rogues if they're associated with this man." I say glancing Aiden's way, I was careful around the subject since he didn't like it to be brought up. We'd already told the pack of what we knew, for them to be alert and cautious. For us to tell them, Aiden had to reveal a little about his knowledge of Reon. He didn't say much about his experience to the pack but he told his parents.
It was hard. There were a lot of tears and apologies and then more tears. Aiden didn't cry surprisingly, he didn't go into as much detail as he did with me though. I just held his hand and tried my best to help him through it.

"It doesn't matter, they're still rogues." The man argues making me sigh, Aiden's people were so hard to talk to. Everything was just, 'let's go kill them all without a plan and hopefully live!'

"They're not just rogues." Aiden says making the room's conversation come to a halt.
People feared me because of my usual cold demeanor which was no fault of my own, I was born this way. But they also feared Aiden, especially when he wasn't laughing, he was usually all smiles so when he was looking just as stone faced as I was, they shut up real quick.

"They have witches too, we thought they were there because they needed shelter but they're probably there to protect the rogues." He says standing as I sit down content with the idea of letting him continue. He circles the table letting out his Alpha pheromones purposely to scare them a little, I roll my eyes but stay quiet. "As Julian said, they're not like normal rogues, they're not driven by some sort of crazed mind, they think. My father told me that when he went to rescue me, he underestimated their abilities and almost died because of it. They strategize and if we go into there with anything but a plan, we will win, but we'll loose many lives."

"But h-"

"But nothing!" He roars making them all bow their heads as a smile plays its way onto my lips. "I want to kill them as much as you, even more, but I'm not going to risk lives to do it. Now listen to the fucking plan." He says after circling the table completely, I walk over to the smart board that had a map of the woods we lived in.

"The rogue pack we are targeting is located here." I say circling the area that they were nicely hidden in. "They're smaller packs closer by and we have to assume that they are working with them. Now, the plan is simple, nothing we all haven't been trained for. We start with the outer layers, they use arrows laced with a venom of sorts so we'll have to use the trees. Isabel, your team will be focusing on this." I say making her lips turn up into a devilish grin, she had this weird obsession with stealth missions.
"Griffin, your team will be dealing with the other rogue packs in the surrounding area. In the case that they are not already with the one we are targeting, we'll need them gone." I say circling the areas they'd presided in, he nods in understanding as I look to the both of them. "Now we need this to be done at the exact same time and done quietly. Not one rogues it to get away, because that'll just make the job harder for the rest of us. Got it?"

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