Chapter 36

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Can we just take a moment........

Aiden's P.O.V

"You can't be serious." I strain as I look at Isabel twirling away in the mirror.

"You're going to lose so many friends." Julian says in agreement folding his arms as he eyes her.

"That would imply that I had friends." She replies with a devious grin. "Witches don't get to claim witch costumes."

"They kind of do, seeing as they are witches. They'll think of this as offensive." Julian says but she just waves him off.

"Not my problem." She says ignoring us, when she sees we weren't going to let up she groans loudly before grabbing a bag and disappearing into one of our rooms.
Not too long after she returns with straightened hair and a lot more makeup, wearing an Egyptian outfit.

"Nefertiti." She says with a sigh. "Let's go." She says grabbing her stuff running to the elevator. Once on the bottom floor she claims shotgun and dashes away before we even stepped out.

"So what are we exactly?" Julian asks playing with the ends of his shirt.

"I don't know really, I saw it online and it looked cool." I reply with a shrug. "Do you hate it or something?"

"It was a shock at first, but it's growing on me." He replies simply as he slides into the back seat while I start up the car.

"You have the directions right?" I ask Isabel when I pull the car out the new pack house.

"Yep." She says before turning around to face Julian. "Some party rules."

"Shouldn't he live and then learn." I say kind of wanting to see a drunk Julian.

"I guess but this is Julian, we can't let him go in blind." She says while pointing me in the direction I needed to turn.

"Fine. Rule number one, don't eat the food." I say watching him in the reverie mirror.

"What's wrong with the food?" He asks with narrowing eyes.

"Do you go to a party to eat? No. So why is there food? Something's in it or its stale, leave that shit alone." Isabel fills in, I nod my head in agreement as she continues. "Rule number two, don't exceed your fuck it drink if all your friends are drunk."

"Fuck it drink?" He asks in confusion as Isabel points me down another turn.

"That drink that you know if you take it there's no coming back, like all bets are off, when you take that drink everything goes to shit right after." I explain.

"I don't know mine." He says nervously.

"Well we'll find it out tonight." Isabel says laughing making Julian gulp. Not too long after we pull up to the mansion that was overflowing with people. "Are you ready kids?"

"Wait, what about the other rules?!" Julian says in a panic as we get out the car.

"You'll figure them out as you go." I say with a smirk as I make my way to him. "Don't worry too much, okay?"

"Okay." He replies taking a deep breath as he straightens my bow tie. "This oddly suits you."

"And you." I say lifting his chin before kissing him. I swear the feeling of his soft lips against my own could send me mad with pleasure, it made my entire body come to life as our mouths moved in sync. The sudden flash of a camera makes us break apart as we turn to see Isabel smiling widely with her phone in her hand.

"My new lock screen, home screen, laptop wallpaper and I'll print a physical copy for the kids." She says dancing on her toes.

"Kids?" Julian asks with a raised eyebrow.

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