Chapter 61

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Aiden's P.O.V

"Julian!" I shout but his eyes roll back making my heart stop, his skin was on fire and he was dripping in sweat. I looked to the elevator to see the floor covered in his vomit making my own heart race in fear. The world seemed to stop for me as I look down at him with a wave of panic and tormenting dread takes over me, his body was limp and his breathing staggered.
I pick him up, running to the bathroom, I needed to get his temperature down and clean him up. I bath him in cold water carefully all the while trying to settle my scrambled thoughts on what could of happened.

Once he's in clean clothes, I lay him on the bed only to find his temperature rising slowly as pained grunts escapes his lips. I had no idea what to do and it was killing me, he was moving too much so I couldn't give him pack medicines, I didn't even know what to give him. When he starts shaking a wave of panic and agony overtakes me entirely.

"Kat!" I shout out as I try to still his body. "Kat!"

"What's wro-" She stops short when she sees Julian and immediately rushes to his opposite side. "What happened?" She asks touching him at different spots of his body.

"I-I-I don't know, he came out the e-elevator and I found him with th-th-the fever and sweating and he vomited. I-I, Kat what's happening?" I stutter out as I look down at my mate.

"His body is worn out and he's in a state of panic." She says pressing her fingers to his temples while mumbling her chants that make him settle down slightly. "Stay with him." She instructs as she pushes everything off my nightstand before pulling out different bottles from a void as she starts mixing what I can only assume to be some sort of an elixir. I slide myself around him, holding him in my arms as I shush his low whimpers while brushing his hair, trying to keep him still.

"You'll be fine." I whisper, keeping him tight under my chest. "Everything is going to be okay."

"Keep him steady." She says as she climbs onto the bed with her finished product. I hold Julian in place, trying to stop him from squirming as she tilts his chin up and pours the pitch black liquid down his throat slowly. When he's swallowed all, he stops moving and his groans of discomfort die down too.

"What did you give him?"

"It's my own personal remedy, a boaster and a healing agent. He'll be up in a bit, let him rest." She says letting out a breath of exhaustion before getting off the bed as I look down at him. "Aiden, let him rest." She reiterates, I look up at her with pained eyes as she gives me a weak smile and reassuring nod. I lay him down carefully before getting off the bed, I press a gentle kiss to his forehead before reluctantly leaving the room.
Kat closes the door behind us as I speed walk to the living room, the sight of the elevator floor sends all the emotions rushing to me at once. Kat notices my discomfort and snaps her fingers making the entire mess disappear but I was still unstable inside.
My usual rising rage was replaced with fear as my mind runs rampant with all the things that could've happened to him that I wasn't there to protect him from.

"Kat.." I say turning to her with blurry eyes, her eyes were softer than usual as she looked at me. "What's wrong with him?"

"I..." She stops herself as she thinks for a bit before speaking again. "I'll tell you both together, but something happened today to make him like this."

"He was calling out to me." I say feeling the tears leave my eyes. "I felt him, I knew he needed me but I-I blocked the link. And now....."

"Hey, he's going to be fine." She says hugging me suddenly, I stay still in surprise before I slowly let my arms grip onto her as I sob in her hold.

"I should've answered!" I cry out as I tighten my grip of her while she rubs my back soothingly. "I should've been there for him."

"It's too late for should'ves now, he's fine and he'll be up in a bit. He doesn't need to see his mate crying when he wakes up." She says pulling back slightly with a kind smile. "Pull it together and don't make me think worse of your kind."
I chuckle slightly as I sniff trying to reign myself in, she rubs my shoulders comfortingly before going to the kitchen to get me some water as I sit down on the couch. I bury my face in my hands when I finally settle enough to comprehend what Julian said before he knocked out.

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