Chapter 36-Cute

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"Dad!!!!" I burst In to our front door carrying my paper bags from the mall, today is Saturday so Tastian gave me a one Saturdate going to the mall and have some few new clothes and shoes don't forget the bags and make up that he chose for me, eating like ordinary couple do in a restaurant walking with fries and smoothie around the mall is my dream date since I was a teenager, I just wanna have a simple date unlike those dinner date with candle lights that Tastian usually pull out everytime. So lets go back to why I was so excited and I ended up bursting into our front door like an excited little girl on christmas day.

"In here!" I heard dad's voice from the living room so I dropped my bags leaving one in my hand.

"Dad!!!! You wouldn't believe what I got for you!" I glance into Tastian's frustrated face since that he was carrying my shopping bags, dropping it on the fully tiled floor of our living room he sat on the couch and looking so tired.

Mom is looking expectantly on the paper bag that I was holding. Dad streighten up a smile spread on his thin lips.

"Open this!" He snatched the bag from my hands and as he look into it. Mom sat next to him frowing on the box. Yeah that snatching the bag from someone whose giving me a presents is my dad attitude too.

"A brand new Iphone!" He look up to me as his gaze landed on Tastian.

"It's Tastian's idea!" I sat next to him and help him opening the box.

"You know your phone is old and this is new and has a big screen! Yehey!" I cheer him up when I saw the frown in his for head. "Look it's matt black and I know you love matt black."

He nodded and pick up the phone.

"Thank you," kissing me in my cheeks and laugh I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I know its hard to text when your thumb is big and your phone is small, I know the feeling dad." He stiffed.

"Oh, I'm so greatful you buy your dad a new Iphone." Mom throw her hand dramatically on the air

"Well I just remember the day I told you about the situation of Debura and you said your phone is small and your thumb is big so....." Tastian said politely.

"Well this thing is expensive, but thank you." I laugh.

"Come on dad, I know it is expensive so I used your credit card when I bought that." He look at me confused maybe he was asking how the hell you got my credit card?

"Well, stop looking at your daughter like that Fabian I took your credit card when you slept on the couch last night." My mom glared ar him moving away from his touch.

"What's going on?" I asked frowning into them.

"Well your dad just texted me while he's drunk the other night. And he said "are you ready to get naked! hon?" " my mom Shook her head.

"He never call me Hon ever! Because he knows I hate that word because that's what he calls his high school sweetheart during our time in Hs! usually he'll call me, babe, sweetness,my love, my life,and cupcake! But that night he texted me "hon? Can you believe that? I'm starting to think that you are cheating Fabian I really do!" She walk out dramatically as my dad covered his face with both of his hand.

"It's supposed to be honey pie,but I pressed the send botton and it flew away!" he groan leaning his back on the couch.

"I'll talk to her, maybe she's just missing you, you been busy over work this past weeks and she just keeping her mind occupied by means of helping me on my wedding preparation."

"I'm sorry, why don't you make it up to her? Take her into a date tonight and give her presents." He nodded kissing me onmy forehead.

"What will I do without you baby?" I chuckle standing up.

"I'll get dress and follow her." He smile and took his new phone. Tastian walk next to me and I know he's thinking something deep making him quiet for the whole Mom and Dad drama going on the living room.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked stopping infront of my room. He gave me a faint smile as he open the door luring me to go inside.

"I'm just tired babe." He mumbles

"I'm sorry for making you tired today." He kiss me making me giggle.

"Okay, fine! I'll tell you, like I said were leaving by next week for Sylvia. And I'm worried about you while I'm not here."

"I can handle myself babe." I whispers encircling my hands around his neck.

"Will you promise me that you will call me?"

"Ofcourse, will be back in three days, but you know three days is long enough for me for not seeing you... I just wanna get this things over and be with you when I know your safe."

"You need to come back quickly, the coronation will be a month before our wedding." He sighed heavily.

"Ofcourse," he stare at me for a long time making me frown.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're not coming back Tastian," he chuckle.

"I was staring at you because you have a lipstick on your teeth." I pulled away instantly facing the large mirror in my room.

"Oh my God!!! And you didn't tell me the whole time???" He laugh popping his ass on the bed.

"You look cute when you have that, you look funny. So I let it be!"


I took my hair brush and threw over him with my shoes and my lotion and whatever in my make up table.

He laughs avoiding everything in I threw until he catch the last one.

"Look I did that because I hate it when your smiling politely on the other men around us in the mall, just like that....that asshole in the shoes department!" I eyed him while he's walking towards me.

"So you were jealous? So you make you look stupid?" I snapped at him."

"Men knows when someone is sniffing around his girl. I will chose to make you look stupid than letting him fantazies you while he's masturbating, I will chose you make them turn off about you than ripping his head off from his body get that?" He looks more concerned than before Tastian dont want any violence around him and he doesn't wanna hurt someone infront of me especially if its just a small matter and could be solve with his indifferent ideas.

"I love it when you're mad at me like that. You look hot." He grin.

"Fine, tell me you love me even I have a lipstick stain in my teeth."

"I love you even you're toothless." I laugh

"I'm serious! Now go get dress because you still have to solve an M.U of the teenagers down stares."

I know it felt like years since I last updated but hey! I've been busy over work too. But I'm happy to tell you guys that I will be updating MNM regularly since I got back in my own feet.... thank you so much for reading this and It really means a lot to me.... hope to catch up with your comments and please leave a vote for me...💋💋💋


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