Chapter 37- Soon

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It's been two years since they left breaking my heart knowing that he didn't came back with the others it was like I can't no longer try and live anymore. The moment that he thinks that he will resolve our problem to Sylvia turns out into abandoning me, the only thing that I received was a single note from him that he gave to Jaquise before he took off and leave them on the woods.

God knows how much it hurts reading the last letter he sent for me.


Remember the day I look at you and you told me to not look at you like that? You knew something is wrong but I choose not to say this to you, Babe I can't come back not because I love her but because she'll kill you with a blink of my eye, she had a voddoo doll of yours and I need to find it, I have to take it away from her before something bad happen to you, I could live up away from you but I couldn't stand to watch how you suffer because of me. I love you and you're always on my mind, on my heart. I will be back as soon as I get that thing from her. Always remember me. Love Tastian.

It's been two years since he wrote this letter and the paper is starting to get thin for my constantly folding and unfolding. he said soon, in cinema when they put the word soon on the advertisement there's surely will going to have a date afterwards, but unlike cinema Tastian never send me any letter to tell me when will be that soon, why not putting a date on the letter, or maybe a day? for atleast I know when.

''I'm sorry Debura,if only I knew he will left I would have stop him.'' Jaquise sat next to me taking my hand.

''it's not your fault Jaquise, it's not his fault's mine if only I could fight for myself he wouldn't have to leave, if only I could depend myself-''

''stop blaming yourself, it's his choice not yours'' he tighten his grip into my hand before he continues '' I would do the same if I was in his situation. if that's how it takes to keep you safe. but hell you're killing yourself by means of locking yourself in this mansion, do you think we didn't know that you're not eating on time? sometimes you skip lunch or maybe dinner, you didn't even try to go out in this place I could bet the dog is more healthy than you Debura.'' Sassy automatically look at Jaquise as if she understand that she was involve on whatever Jaquise said.

''I guess Sassy has a better lovelife than I have..'' I mumble before I stood and walk towards the balcony not far away from the bed where Jaquise remain sitted. ''then help me, teach me a self defence, teach me how to fight and to protect myself.'' he sighed and stood up.

''don't you think that even I teach you, Sylvia is still a witch she still can hurt you with a single blow of spell?'' he said that sounds like as the matter of factly.

''it's not all, I read a book last night, it say that even a simple human being like me can learn how to do witch crafts and magics all I have to do is to be stronger enough to control such aura that I will feel during the process of learning. besides having a physical training could help me to develope my self insticts, my mental ability could be more than active than before which is good for learning witches spell.'' I said as fast as I can.

''this is stupid Debura, we both know that it could kill you,if you can't handle it like a bloodline witch it could lead you to coma or death, the witches spell could blow your mind off because thats the number one thing you need to preform any're not stupid and I know you could posibly learn that for a month or two but you're risking your life Debura.'' he glared at me.

''I guess dying because of fighting for someone you love is worth it, Atleast he knew I was fightng to have him back, who knows what happen to him? what if something is going on with him or she use any witch spells for him?''

''I don't know Debura, but your idea is fucking kosher.'' I walk back towards him before I kneel infront of him taking his hand into mine.

''for all the people I know you could help me Jaquise, please help me, I want to be stronger, I want him back and I was the one who could save him.'' he sighed studying my face before his eyes softed.

''you know I would do anything that you want Debura, I believe you but I'm just worried to loose you because of your stubornes.'' he close his eyes before nodding his head. ''fine, I will teach you,self defence huh? you know I'm not gonna be easy on you?'' a smile spread across my face. he pull me into a big hug and I had a chance to kiss his cheeks.

''thank you.'' he sighs once again as I felt him Nodded.

''how about your parents? are you gonna telll to them?''I nodded my head.

''ofcourse, besides I'm going to need that book of spell my father had on his office.''

''you're going to need help from Sarah.'' he said before standing up.

''I will pack my belongings and were going back to my parents house I'll call the king too, I need them to know exactly what I'm planing too.''

Jaquise rose his brow.'' wait a minute did you just plan this last night? after reading that book?" I shrugged my shoulders.

''yeah, I don't care about that vooddoo kinda thing Tastian mentioned to that long as I knew how to control the spell agaisn't me I will be just fine.'' he nodded.

''let's go before I change my mind.'' he mumble as I started to packed my things. this time I will be the one who will save him.

three months later

''focus Debura you're almost there'' I heard Sarah's voice confirming that I'm doing the right thing. the moment I open my eyes I saw the glass break into my sight.

''amazing.'' she smile to me and nodded her head. '' now all you hav to dois to read the lst page of the book. you already knew how to control the spell that I put on agaisn't you and all you need to do is focus on your mind and don't let the enemy get into your head. you look exhausted.'' I sighed sitting next to her.

''yeah, I gues I just need some rest learning spells and memorizing them is not that easy.'' she nodded her head.

''if you're born with a witch bloodline you don't need to memorize it, it's just happen to be with us in instict, like if we wanted to rotect our self were going to come up with a spell in our head and mumble it and then it'll protect us.''

''that's what fascinate me when it comes to the witches.'' she chuckle.

''and you fascinate me, you learn those spells, like areal witch, no one could do that easily, no one ever done that but you,'' I smile and hold her hand Sarah became my closest friend this passed years she and Lily stays on my side when I kept myself in the dark.

''thank you for helping me Sarah.'' she roll her eyes.

''are you kidding me? I would do anything for you, I owe you alot for you know convincing your dad and especially the king to have a fine rules for the witches who wanted to be legal in this world, you us a chance you know.'' she look at her palms and thats how I notice the shining shimering ring in her finger.

''oh my God is that an engagemen ring?'' she smile like a naughty girl caught on steeling her mom's lipstick.

''well, he propose to me last month.'' I saw a hint of blush on her cheeks.

'' gosh congratulation!'' I pull her into a hug and she squeeled.

''I'm just so happy Debura, he surprised me.'' I chuckles '' don't worry were gonna wait for your wedding first before we-'' she stop mid sentence as she took in my reaction. '' oh my God I'm sorry Debura''

''no, theres nothig to be sorry about, it's fine really.'' she didnt look pleased for what I said. so I gave her a big smile.

''just tell me how did he do that?'' and with that she told me the whole story of how Amos John Martin propose to her in the middle of intimate sex.''

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