Chapter 14 - Autumn

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Why doesn't he say anything? He just keeps looking at me with an unusual dark glow in his eyes. I can't interpret it; is he angry at me? Did I do something wrong?

The silence is so audible, so heavy it feels like a separate entity hovering in between us, expanding with every second that ticks by, crowding the entire office. I need to break it before it begins to consume me.

"Well." I have to clear my throat, my voice sounds so strangely unfamiliar. "I guess I'd better get back to work."

That dark glow suddenly dies and Mr. Marlow takes a step back.

"You can have the rest of the day off, if you want, get some rest. Jay Griffith will come by later, but I think I can handle this by myself." He smiles.

Jay Griffith is the CEO of our affiliate company. Once a month he and Mr. Marlow meet to discuss business issues like clients, finances and employees. When they meet, everyone is nervous because the last few times they decided to cut some costs, which meant unemployment for several clerks and assistants.

"Oh, that is today?" I fail to hide my anxiety.

Mr. Marlow grins. "Nothing to worry about. Your job is safe."

I let out a sigh of relief but determine it might still be best not to push my luck. I'd better stay and work. "There's a lot of things that need to be taken care of. Besides, you might need me for fixing coffee for Mr. Griffith."

"I think I know how to use a coffee maker, Miss Lewis." He laughs. "Now, go home. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, he strides out of the conference room, leaving me with nothing else to do but follow his order.

As I open the door to my apartment, a cloud of fresh-paint smell greets me. Yuk! I throw my handbag on the couch and head to the window to open it. There, on the end table is a note. I grab it and read.

Call landlord

Oh right, I scribbled that down last night. Almost forgot. I reach for the phone in my jacket pocket and dial.


"Hello Mr. Hummings, this is Autumn Lewis from apartment 108c. I must have lost my spare keys and was wondering if it was possible to have the door lock replaced?"

I can hear an annoyed sigh before he answers. "You know you'll have to pay at least part of it?"

"Yes," I confirm. I don't care about paying, I just don't want Mike to show up here. He's still got the key to the apartment. "I'm aware of that."

"Very well. I'll send someone over this afternoon."

"Thank you, Mr. Hummings."

I hang up and walk back to the sofa. I really need a nap now.

When I wake up it is already dark. I shiver. The icy air from outside has cooled down my place remarkably. But on the positive side, the obnoxious smell is almost gone. I get up, shut the window and am just about to make myself some tea when someone knocks on the door.

Hoping it is not Mike, I open.

It isn't. It's a guy in his late 50s, wearing a blue overall.

"Hi," he says, holding out a card for me to read. "I'm here to replace the lock."

"Oh good!" I'm truly happy to see him.

"Will only take a few minutes."

Says it and goes to work straight away.

I watch him while he uses his tools to take out the old lock and puts in a shiny brand new one. It really is just a matter of minutes. When he is done, I offer him a cup of tea. After all, he saved me from a possible and most definitely unpleasant encounter with Mike.

"Thanks, Miss Lewis, but I've got a packed schedule. Seven more locks to fix."

He hands me two sets of new keys.

"Here you go. And don't lose them." He winks at me, gathers his stuff and is gone.

I lock the door from the inside and lean against it. So, this is it. I should be happy that I finally got rid of the man who hurt me innumerable times, but why do I feel so empty? He is gone, and with him all my hope that everything will be all right in the end. It won't be. Not after I have kicked him out, not after today. Today...

I cringe. There was this one moment today at the office when stupid old me thought that Mr. Marlow might be attracted to me. To me! God, how silly am I? But did you see it, too, during the meeting? Hell, he was so aroused it left a very evident bulge in his pants. There's no way I could have mistaken it. I don't know what did it, though. It surely wasn't me; he didn't seem to be phased by me at all after Stills and his agent were gone. Maybe he just thought of something or someone hot.

I wish I had done this to him, I wish this reaction was because of me, but who am I kidding? It is clear he doesn't look at me this way. To him I'm the genderless, little awkward assistant. Yeah, I can't blame him. He is drop-dead gorgeous, women throw themselves at him, and I ... I am just me. Fancy clothes or not, they won't change how men see me, how Mr. Marlow sees me.

Well, it's a good thing I'm going out tonight. This will cheer me up. Or so, I hope. I haven't been out in forever and you might understand, I'm a little bit nervous. After all, I'm going out with Jason Stills, the dream of any local teenage girl. He is good-looking, I admit, and he was very nice to me, so I know I should be flattered. But I'm not. All I can think of is that I wish it was Mr. Marlow who took me out on a date.

I grind my teeth in response to that ridiculous thought. Autumn, get real. He will never be interested in you, no matter what you do. So stop that nonsense and get yourself ready for tonight.

Autumn - In Love With My Boss (An Office Romance)| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now