Chapter 29 - James

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"You're such a prick," Jake laughs and raises his drink for a toast.

"I know," I grin, still enthusiastic about my accomplishment. Of course, I couldn't wait to share the news with my brother, so I invited him to our favorite bar.

"So," he swallows his sip of beer, wiping his mouth with his hand. "How did you do this?"

"Oh, it just took a call. Warren wasn't really interested in the deal anyway and seemed glad to have a reason to back out of it. Besides, we're good friends and help each other out."

Jake nods. "I'm glad you took care of it. I can't stand the thought of Fiona messing up our little sunshine's future."

"I would never allow this to happen. She's everything I have."

"Everything?" Jake raises an eyebrow, apparently uncertain what to make of my statement.

"What about your girl?"

I cringe. "My girl?" I pretend I don't have the faintest idea who he's referring to.

"Yes. Your assistant."

"What about her?" I really don't want to go there now.

My brother frowns. "You haven't sorted it out?"

"There's nothing to sort out, Jake. She was on a date yesterday."

"What do you mean, date? I hope it was with you."

"No, Jake, it sure as hell wasn't with me." I down my Bourbon in one gulp.

"But, you two, you seemed so ..."

"Cut it, Jake," I snarl and he gets the message.

All my enthusiasm suddenly goes right down the drain and instead, I feel a gnawing sensation in my stomach. I didn't want to think about her, I really, really didn't, but since Jake brought her up, I can't shake this image of her beautiful face, clouding any other thoughts I might have had up to now. The image is so clear, so vivid, as if she was right in front of me, sporting that shy smile that makes the light brown of her eyes shimmer like baltic amber.

I can't take it. "I have to go," I mumble, throwing some bills on the counter.

"Hey, little brother." Jake seems genuinely concerned. "What's wrong? I thought we wanted to celebrate your victory?"

"Another time," I mutter and escape out onto the dark street.

Autumn - In Love With My Boss (An Office Romance)| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now