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How was it that the world had changed so drastically in just a few short years? The world that once was a relatively peaceful place had turned into a war zone. Only this time, the war wasn't man versus man, it was man versus nature.

The universe seemed to be doing everything in its power to get rid of every human on the face of the planet, and so far, the universe was winning. With nearly all of the planet's population wiped out, there wasn't much hope.

But those who remained, the tiny fraction of life that was left, were determined to stay alive. The human race didn't have to end with them, it wouldn't end with them. Elizabeth Bradbury refused to allow the world to take her children when they still had so much ahead of them.

The road was a long and dangerous one, and if she wanted her children to live past their eighteenth birthdays, then she knew she would have to teach them to survive.

So, were Chloe and Kacy Bradbury normal children? No, they were far from normal. Each of them wielded a hunting knife (they wouldn't be allowed to carry guns until they were older) and a smaller knife as well, as a backup.

Both girls had only been eleven years old when the disease broke out and they'd been forced to flee from their home in Atlanta with their mother, but without their father. He'd gone to work the morning all had gone wrong, and Liz feared the worse. But, even if her husband was alive, there was no way she would be able to find him. Not now. Her only concern now was keeping her daughters alive.

But now, two and a half years had passed and the world had shown no signs of getting any better, only worse. Chloe and Kacy were thirteen now, and Liz felt like it was time they finally stopped running. They needed to find some place to stay for a while, even if it were just a couple of days.

But where in the world would they find somewhere to stay? In a world where around every corner, a walking undead person could possibly be lurking and waiting to sink its teeth into one's neck, there didn't seem to be any safe places left.

Liz, however, was determined. Her daughters weren't going to die out in the world she'd come to hate.

So, she searched and she searched, and for a very long time, she found nothing. Liz was beginning to think that there wasn't any safe place left in the world. Every time she thought she'd come close to finding something, she was met with disappointment upon realizing that it had either been overrun or was on the verge of it.

Just when Liz was about to give up, just when she was about to say, to hell with this all, one fateful day, she ran into a group of people who were going to change her life.

And the leader of them was named Rick Grimes.

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