-twenty five-

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"A" - Revenge

(A/N: I skipped over 'Us' because there's only one scene with Rick, Carl, and Michonne and I didn't really wanna try to turn it into a whole chapter soooooo here we are. This is part one of the episode "A")

Camping overnight in the middle of the woods was never a fun experience. Chloe couldn't remember the last time she'd had to do that, it seemed like such a long time ago that she, her sister, and her mother had been on their own.

The woods were cold, especially at night. And it was hard to fall asleep with twigs snapping and leaves crunching all night along. Basically, Chloe hadn't gotten any sleep the previous night. And on top of all of that, she was hungry. She was sure that the others were, too. It had been a couple of days since they'd had anything to eat.

It was early, and Rick was tending to the small fire they had going. Everyone had woken up, probably due to their growling stomachs keeping them awake. Rick looked over at Carl. "How hungry are you? Scale of one to ten?" He asked.

Carl looked at his father miserably. "Fifteen."

Rick turned to Michonne. "Twenty eight," she replied.

"Does infinity count as a number?" Chloe cut in. Rick stifled a laugh.

While they were all hungry, and weak, Chloe had taken it upon herself to keep everyone smiling and laughing. It was her goal to make everyone smile and laugh at least once a day. So far, she had been doing just that.

"Yeah, well, it's been a while," Rick said as he got to his feet. "It's time to go check the snares."

They had been camping out in the woods for a few days now, and Rick had been trying to use what he learned from Hershel and Daryl about hunting animals. So far, the snares hadn't done much for them.

Chloe wanted more than anything to blink and wake up back in her bed at the prison, to have Kacy wake her up early as she climbed out of her bed to go to the library, or for Judith to wake the whole cell block up with her crying.

What Chloe wouldn't give to hear Judith crying.

Carl looked up at his father. "Can I go with you?" He asked.

Rick smiled a bit and then shrugged. "Well how else you gonna learn?" He replied. Carl grinned and got to his feet. He kicked dirt onto the fire to put it out. "Hey–" Rick looked at Michonne and Chloe. "You, too." They all decided that they would go together to check the snares.

Michonne grabbed her katana and slung it across her back. Chloe made sure she had her knife and gun, though with only four bullets left, it didn't do her much good. Chloe was glad for any kind of blades, they were the one weapon that couldn't run out of ammo because they didn't need any.

They left the small makeshift camp to and began to walk through the woods. Chloe walked close by Carl's side. They hadn't exactly told Rick or Michonne about their decision to be together, but they were both pretty sure the adults already knew anyway. Michonne definitely knew, because she had demanded Carl tell her everything after he spoke to Chloe. Rick, on the other hand, could probably just tell based on their behavior around each other.

"We'll stay another day or two, get some more rest," Rick said as they walked through the woods. The leaves had begun to fall from the trees. Autumn was coming.

"Finish healing up?" Michonne asked Rick.

He nodded. "I'm almost there," He replied.

"We're almost there, right?" Chloe asked. "To Terminus?"

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