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First Run of the Month

Things had been going rather smoothly at the prison. Since the formation of the council, they had started growing crops (which Rick and Carl tended to), built a pigsty, and a place to keep the horse they'd found. Runs hadn't really been necessary, since the crops. But today, the council decided that it would be a good idea to run out and collect some things.

They had plenty of water, plenty of food, but even so, the council agreed that it was time they got out of the prison and went looking for more supplies. Just in case.

So, they were sending Daryl, Liz, and Sasha to scout out the nearest town. Sasha was a headstrong young woman who had been at Woodbury when Rick, Daryl, and Michonne had gone to finish things with the Governor.

She and her brother, Tyreese, were valued members of their small community. Sasha was a member of the council, and her brother was always ready to help out, too. (He would become especially eager to help if Karen was there).

Liz quickly grabbed her things and headed out to the courtyard. "You promise you'll be safe?" Kacy asked her.

"Of course I will." Liz smiled. She kissed Kacy's forehead. "I'll only be gone a few hours."

Chloe folded her arms across her chest. "I don't get why you have to go out there," she said. "We've got plenty of supplies. There's no point in leaving."

Liz sighed and placed a hand on Chloe's cheek. "I'll be all right." She smiled. "Don't worry about me, you two just worry about keeping everyone else here in line while we're gone, okay?"

Chloe nodded and her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Liz climbed into the pickup truck with Sasha, Daryl was taking his motorcycle, as he often did, and they rolled through the gates of the prison and out into the open world. Liz figured she would get to know Sasha on the ride over.

"So, has it always just been you and your brother?" She asked her.

Sasha shook her head. "No, we had a small group before Woodbury," she replied. "A woman called Donna, her husband Allen, and their son, Ben. We weren't much, but I trusted them with my life."

Liz nodded. "I can understand that," she said. "What... what happened to them?"

Sasha sighed. "Donna was bit awhile ago, Tyreese had to put her down. Allen... was with the Governor when he killed all of his men. And Ben died when they attacked the prison, I think."

"I'm sorry."

Sasha shrugged. "It's okay, it's not like it's your fault," She replied. "Besides, by the end of it, Allen was pretty far gone. Ben, too."

"I'm sorry you had to watch them turn like that," Liz said. "But I'm glad you and your brother are here with us now."

Sasha looked at Liz and smiled. "Yeah, so am I." There was a pause. "Hey, I've gotta ask."

Liz looked at her. "What?"

"So, I've noticed that you and Daryl spend a lot of time together... are you two...?" She trailed off, hoping Liz would pick up on what she was trying to ask.

Liz couldn't help but laugh. She shook her head. "No, we're not together," she said. "Though, I wouldn't exactly be apposed to being with him."

Sasha laughed, too. "I knew it," she said. "You two would be cute together, honestly. And I think he likes you, too."

"I doubt it," Liz said. Sasha looked at her.

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