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30 Days Without an Accident

(A/N: I'm quite fond of the edit above! I made this one, too. Hope you guys like Fall Out Boy!)

After Liz's death, Beth began to keep track of every day without an accident. So far, they had gone thirty days without one. Things were relatively peaceful again. Rick had taken a liking to farming, and he'd gotten Carl to help him, too.

The twins had since turned fourteen, their birthday rolled around shortly after their mother died. No one celebrated that day, though. Not that the girls would have wanted to, anyway.

Kacy spent most of her days locked away in the library with her books. Hershel was honestly surprised that she hadn't read all of the books yet.

Chloe, on the other hand, seemed fine. She acted fine, anyway. Carl could see right through it. She wasn't fine, but she wanted everyone to think that she was. She helped take care of some of the younger kids, and when Glenn and Maggie let her, she killed walkers on the fences.

Over the course of a few days, there had been an irregular buildup of walkers along the fences. With so many people staying at the prison, they were being drawn to all of the fresh meat.

Chloe was with Beth in Cell Block C at the moment, helping to take care of Judith. "Think you can watch her for a little while?" Beth asked her.

"Yeah, sure." Chloe smiled as Beth handed Judith off to her. "Going to say bye to Zach?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Beth giggled, but shook her head. "No, I'm just gonna go see what I can do to help around here," she said. "I'll see you later!"

Chloe lifted Judith's hand up and waved it, as if Judith were waving goodbye to Beth. After she left, Judith began to whine a bit. "Did you not sleep well last night?" Chloe asked the little girl. "Aw, all right, nap time it is."

She walked over and gently laid Judith down in her crib. There was a small, raggedy teddy bear that someone had brought back for her after a run. Chloe grabbed the bear and set it next to Judith, who had already closed her eyes.

"Hey." She turned around and saw Carl standing behind her. Chloe smiled.

"Hey," she replied. "I just put Judy down for her nap. What're you up to?"

Carl shrugged. "My dad just went to check the snares, he told me to either do chores, read comics, or hang out with Patrick, but I couldn't find Patrick, so..."

"So I'm your second choice?" Chloe asked, folding her arms across her chest. "Okay, I see how it is."

He grinned and then laughed a little. "Ah, c'mon, at least I even considered you." He joked. Chloe playfully punched him in the arm. "Wanna go help me find Patrick?"

"I bet he's wherever Kacy is." Chloe smirked at him. Carl scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, probably."

It had become a bit of an inside joke between the two that Patrick had a crush on Chloe's twin sister. It was painfully obvious to them, but not to Kacy. She was too busy reading to notice anyone else.

Before they left, Carl grabbed an old soccer ball from his cell. "You don't know how to play soccer," Chloe said.

"Uh, yes I do," Carl replied. "You're looking at the peewee soccer champion of Cynthia, Georgia." He grinned.

Chloe groaned and rolled her eyes, but then laughed when Carl pouted.

They walked outside into the courtyard, and they actually found Patrick at the grill with Carol. He was apparently helping her cook. When he spotted Carl and Chloe, he smiled and waved to them. Chloe waved back.

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