-twenty six-

76 2 1

"A" - Terminus

(A/N: another edit. I regret nothing)

After they were attacked by Joe and his men, Michonne did her best to clean the fresh wound on Chloe's cheek. It stung each time the older woman dabbed it with a damp cloth. "I wish we had some bandages," Michonne sighed. They would just have to hope that it didn't get infected.

Michonne urged the two teenagers to climb back into the car and get some rest. She promised she would be there with them the whole time. Chloe found herself alone in the front seat, Carl was in the back with Michonne. She didn't complain, she honestly didn't want anyone near her at that moment.

Chloe leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes, but immediately opened them again. All she could see was that man pinning Carl to the ground, and the man who had a hold on her. What if he'd gotten his way with her? What would she have done? If it weren't for Daryl, it would've happened. Chloe rubbed her temple and sighed. No sleep for her tonight either, then.

She glanced behind her, Carl was sound asleep. He was probably exhausted from everything that happened. Michonne was wide awake, though. She saw Chloe and offered a sympathetic smile. "You okay?" Michonne asked softly.

Chloe shrugged and sat up in the seat.

"It's okay if you're not," She added.

Chloe sighed and looked at Michonne. "I just want to get to Terminus," She admitted. "Someplace safe. Someplace we won't have to deal with people like that."

Michonne nodded, understanding. She glanced down at Carl and gently stroked his hair. "He was worried about you, you know," Michonne said. "Honestly, if Daryl hadn't stepped in, I was sure he was gonna tear himself away from me and do something himself."

Chloe felt her cheeks flush from embarrassment. "Really?" She asked, she hadn't really expected him to be so worried for her. But then, she was his girlfriend now, so it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise to her.

"Yeah, of course," Michonne replied. "You seem surprised."

Chloe shrugged, at a loss for words. "I'm just... not really used to that, I guess," She admitted. "Having someone care about me."

Michonne raised an eyebrow. "Plenty of people care about you; I do, Rick, Daryl—"

Chloe chuckled and shook her head. "No, I mean... a boy," She said sheepishly. "I'm not used to having a boy care about me."

"Ah, I see." Michonne couldn't help but grin a little. "Well, get used to it, 'cause he tends to care a lot."


In the morning, they were back on the road again. They found the railroad tracks and had begun to follow them again. Chloe's heart raced with anticipation of reaching Terminus.

Rick led at the front of the group, followed closely by Daryl and Michonne. Carl and Chloe brought up the rear. Chloe looked at Carl and quietly asked, "Are you okay?"

He turned to face her. "You're asking me that?" He replied.

"Why wouldn't I? You were assaulted last night by that creep with the knife."

"Yeah, but so were you," Carl said. He looked at her, his eyes were swimming with concern and Chloe sighed. She did what she did best, and put on a fake smile.

"I'm all right," She told him. "I promise."

Carl gave her a look that clearly said, you're kidding me, right? Chloe hated that out of everyone in the world, the two people who could tell when she was lying were Carl and Kacy. They were always the ones asking if she was all right, so it was pointless to lie.

Beauty in Death - The Walking DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora