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Too Far Gone

(A/N: Just so things are clear, I skipped over Internment because it isn't really relevant to my plot or characters. 'But Kacy's sick in Cell Block A, she could've been apart of that' you say. Yeah, well.... I skipped it, okay?)

After Rick got back from his run, he had to tell Maggie about sending Carol away. She understood why he did it, but she was also skeptical about Rick sending her away. Glenn, Sasha, Hershel, and Kacy were still in Cell Block A with the rest of the ill. But, fortunately Daryl and the others had made it back with the medicine. It was being distributed and they hoped it would do the trick.

The youngest and oldest members of the community had been allowed to come out of quarantine, much to Carl's delight. While he didn't mind being locked down there with Chloe, he missed the feeling of actually being able to stretch his legs. Chloe did, too. She took the opportunity to visit Kacy, who seemed to be getting better.

Michonne and Hershel had taken the bodies of those who had died from the sickness out beyond the fences and were going to burn them, they couldn't bury all of those bodies, there were too many. But that's when he came. The Governor took them for leverage.

It was the day he was finally going to take the prison.


Chloe didn't go anywhere without her mother's wedding ring or her Walkman. She kept the ring on a chain around her neck, and the Walkman clipped nicely to her belt. "Hey, Carl!" She ran and caught up with him in the courtyard. He turned to her and smiled.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I saw Kacy, she seems to be getting better." Chloe smiled widely. "I think she'll be able to leave Cell Block A in a couple of days."

"That's awesome!" Carl exclaimed and Chloe nodded enthusiastically.  "I'm glad she's getting better."

"Yeah, me, too," Chloe replied. "So, where're you off to?"

Carl shrugged. "No where, really," He replied. "You?"

"Wherever you're going."

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion and Carl grabbed Chloe's arm, pulling her down in an attempt to shield her from whatever the blast was. They looked up and saw one of the guard towers had been taken out by something.

"What the hell?!" Chloe exclaimed.

"No idea!" Carl replied.

They ran toward the fence, along with Rick, Daryl, Tyreese, Maggie, and Beth. Chloe's eyes widened when she saw who was behind the attack.

"Get back!" Rick yelled at everyone as he approached the gate. There, on the other side of the fence, stood the Governor. And he had a tank.

"Rick!" The Governor called. "Come down here, we need to talk."  

Rick stared at the Governor for a moment before replying. "It's not up to me!" He called. "There's a council now, they run this place!"

The Governor, the man everyone had long since thought dead, was standing right at their fences with a tank and an army of people ready to storm the prison. Chloe's heart rate increased as she thought about her sister, and she prayed that wherever Kacy was, she was safe.

"Hershel on the council?" The Governor asked. A woman walked over to a truck and pulled someone from the backseat. Hershel.

The woman made Hershel get to his knees, his hands were bound behind his back. "Is Michonne?" Someone else grabbed Michonne and forced her to her knees, the same as Hershel. Beth and Maggie gripped each other's hands tightly as they kept their eyes on their father. "She on the council, too?"

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