Chapter 1

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I can feel my heart beating out of my chest once Cole starting swinging the doll around carelessly. Why does he care so much about it, anyway? He knows nothing about Brahms. Knowing that there could be a spirit in Brahms life sized doll, I started to yell at Cole, demanding he gives him back.

"Cole! Cole please..." I say, my voice sounding shaky. He turns back into my direction and swings the doll around. "Fine." He takes a big swing with the doll and smashes it onto the chair in front of him. At that moment I brought my hands up and my mouth dropped. As it shattered to pieces, there was a long silence until there was banging on the walls, starting to make its way around to each wall in the room. "What the hell was that?" Cole says. I wanted him to get whatever was coming to him at that moment. I liked taking care of the doll.. The banging was getting closer to the mirror.

     "I think we should leave.." Malcolm says. Nobody says anything and there was more silence until Cole slowly started walking towards the mirror. "We should- we should really go-"   "Shhh." Cole says while cutting Malcolm's words off. He presses his head up to the mirror and brings up his hand. "There's something-" Cole then gets cut off by a loud shatter of the mirror. Coles body goes flying back onto the ground a few feet away from the wall. I immediately get down beside him. "Greta?" I hear a voice say. me and Malcolm's heads shoot into the direction of the large hole in the wall. I stare at the hole holding my breath. "Greta.." it seems to sound like a small boys voice, but sounding even closer this time. Malcolm helps me lift off of the ground, when we see a large figure coming out from inside the wall. This, 'large figure' seems to have on a greenish cardigan, along with suspenders and black pants. He was also wearing a mask.. that's strange, I thought. You could see facial hair eroding from outside the mask as well. He steps out of the wall and stares at us, and we stare back. He tilts his head to the side and back. "It's Brahms..." Malcolm says. "It can't be.." he then faces himself towards Cole and charges at him. "No!" I scream while taking a step back, trying not to interfere. Malcolm then tries to hold him back but fails. Brahms has a pipe in his hand and strikes Malcolm in the face many times before causing him to fall to the ground. He then drops the pipe and rushes at Cole, now on top of him slamming him to the ground multiple times. I sit there a few feet away in shock, not even thinking to run. I watch as Brahms reaches for a broken piece of the doll, and stabs Cole in the neck with it. He waits until Cole is now laying there dead, and slowly starts to look in my direction. "No.. no!" I yell and I start to get up, tumbling a few times and start to run. Before I make it out of the room, I feel an arm wrap around my stomach pulling me in until he has me in his arms. I struggle to remove his arms as he's pulling me out of the room. I then feel Brahms body fall to the ground and Malcolm grabs me. We then start to run for the door. Before we reach the door, Brahms quickly brings himself in front of us, bringing us to a stop. Malcolm grabs my hand and we make our way up the stairs. I look behind me and see Brahms is still standing there. He has been living here for 28 years, so he obviously knows his way around the house. We can't hide, and he knew that. We rush ourselves into my room and grab the key. I can feel my hands becoming very shaky, causing me to struggle to lock the door. We're making our way around the room looking for some sort of escape. We then come to a stop when we see Brahms approaching the door and see the door nob shuffling. We're dead, was the first thing that came to my mind. I look down at the shadow from underneath the door through the crack, and see that he is leaving. I was filled with relief, maybe he doesn't want to kill us. Maybe he just wants us to stay, and not leave. Wrong. I heard creaking of the walls and it hit me.

"The closet!" I yelled and rushed to close the door. By the time I was at the door, he was just about to enter the room and it made me scream. As I'm holding the door shut, a large hand bursts through the door and grabs my shoulder. Malcolm grabs the phone and I open the door, to then have Malcolm strike Brahms in the face, causing him to collapse. We then rush out of the room and into Brahms old room. Malcolm shuts the door behind us and I start to search around the room for an escape. I look to the side and there was a passage way, leading into the walls.
"Malcolm! Theses a way out!" He let's go of the door and rushes in my direction. We then start to make our way through the walls.

She wasn't going to think she could actually leave me, right? My main goal was to get Malcolm. I wasn't going to kill him, because something in me just told me I couldn't. But either way, I wouldn't care if I did or not. I burst through the door and look to the left, then right. I rush over to the passage way, and knew instantly that they were in the walls. I listen in to the creaking of the walls, to find out where they were heading to.

We find a ladder and make our way up it. We're rushing through multiple hallways inside the walls, not really knowing, or even caring where we were going. As long as it is away from Brahms, it was just fine. We find a room, and go inside. As Malcolm bursts through the door, my jaw drops. There was everything he could need. A fridge, tv, bed, microwave, everything he needed to survive. Everything was falling into place at that moment. The leftovers in the freezer? The rat traps? I remember Mr. Heelshire telling me when I first arrived, "Mrs. Heelshire is afraid they'll get inside the walls." I didn't really understand why he said that until now. We started to roam around in the room in different directions, looking for another way out. What I saw next made my heart drop down to my stomach. It was a human sized doll Brahms had made of me.. and it was wearing my dress and my necklace. I walked over into the direction and started to mumble things under my breath, not really knowing what I was saying. I looked over to the side and saw a letter. I picked it up, and turned back around and started walking in Malcolm's direction. "We won't be back... the girl is your to love and keep.." I mumbled loudly. "Greta! I found a way out!" "They- they left me here! He has been living in the walls watching me this whole time.. they knew he would do this, they knew-" i get cut off by Malcolm grabbing my wrist and guiding me out another passage way, but leading down to downstairs inside the walls. As soon as we reached the bottom we started to rush around. We stopped as soon as we heard a door open. I look through one of the cracks of the walls and see Brahms walk by, causing me to bring my hand up to my mouth. Then Brahms fist punches through the wall right beside Malcolm, causing me to scream. We then start to run quickly through the walls and there was another loud crash, but it was Brahms bursting his whole self through the wall and falling onto Malcolm, also causing me to fall. Malcolm then strikes him right in the face with his foot and we run faster. There was a dead end, but an exit that lead outside the house. I rush to the exit and Malcolm keeps an eye out for Brahms.

     "Malcolm!" I yell. "Go!" He screams back. "I'm not leaving without you!" "Just go!" Brahms then rushes around the corner. "Come on!" Malcolm yells at Brahms. It obviously seems to make Brahms mad, and he yells. He rushes at Malcolm with a weapon in his hand, but I can't make out to see what it is. He then starts to strike him multiple times in the face and I start to yell for him to stop. I sit there in horror, and I start to feel my eyes filling with tears. He then slowly looks in my direction and I start to push even harder on the trap door. "Greta..?" He says in his child like voice. "No.." I say. "I'll be good, I promise I'll be Good Greta.." after he says those words I can feel the trap door opening. "Get back here.." he says, but with a deeper voice this time, and much scarier. I start to rush out of the small trap door, without turning back. I can feel him right behind me, and I can hear him yelling. I make it out into the yard, and see the gates in the distance. "I'll kill him! I'll kill him just like all the others!" He yells. Some sort of relief filled my body. Good, Malcolm isn't dead.. so I can still get him and make a run for it. Right before I walk out of the gates, I think about my plan. I think it could work. I mean Brahms has to have some sort of heart.. Brahms wouldn't hurt me.. would he?

Hope you enjoyed that, pretty long chapter but it gets better! Please vote and comment 💛

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