Chapter 6

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(Gretas p.o.v)
I woke up to a knock on the door. I looked around, seeing if Brahms was in sight. I quickly got up due to the knock becoming louder.

I made my way downstairs quickly, and looked through the dingos to the left of the door to see if I could make out who it was.

The view was blurry. For some reason, I felt a little nervous to open the door. I stood there, quietly for a few more seconds. Waiting to see if they're would be another knock.

Once there was, it was louder this time. And I jumped to the sound of it.

I quickly opened the door, to see a man dressed in all black.

I instantly got hit with the feeling that he shouldn't be here, and I went to scream, hoping Brahms would hear me.

Unfortunately, he quickly wrapped his hand over my moth, and the other over my stomach keeping me from moving. I noticed that he was holding a cloth over my mouth, which caused me to squirm, and scream in his hand even more.

Soon, everything had went black.


I woke up to complete silence.

My breathing because heavier, once I noticed that my arms and legs were tied to a chair using belts. I quickly looked around me, trying to process where I was at. Unfortunately, this place was very dark and didn't look familiar.

I tried to scream, but it didn't help. There was duck tape placed over my mouth. I tried screaming louder, but my muffled screams were no use. My heart was beating out of my chest, and tears started to stream down my cheeks.

(Brahms p.o.v)
I woke up letter than I thought. I thought that maybe Greta would have came and woke me up.

Stayed in my bed for a bit longer, hoping she would come in and wake me. I wanted to hear her beautiful voice say "wake up bramsie"

But she didn't.

I became angry, and rushed out of my 8 year old self room, slamming the door behind me. I rushed through the house trying to find her. I looked all through downstairs.

I made my way upstairs, looking in the bathroom, my room, everywhere. But there was only one room I didn't check. Hers.

I quietly walked to her door, lightly knocking. Not wanting to scare her.

"Greta? Are you up?" I whisper through the door. Once I didn't get a response, I opened the door to reveal


I quickly searched her room, and anger flushed through me. Did she leave?? She told me she would never leave me!

Anger taking over me, I grabbed all of her things and started to throw them across the room. I broke both mirrors.

As I was about to leave, I brought my hand up punching the door several times, causing it to have many holes. I came to a stop, once I remembered something.

I slowly turned around, noticing that all her stuff was still here.

I stood there in confusion. Why didn't she take her stuff with her? Did she really leave?

(Gretas p.o.v)
I stopped making any movement, noise, and I even stopped breathing. My eyes widened once I saw a dark figure coming out. I started to scream more once I saw who it was...

I started to scream, but they shook they're head bringing they're finger up to my mouth, signaling for me to be quiet. The figure bends down to my height.

"I'm sorry..."

Vote and comment for the next chapter! So sorry it's short, next chapter will be longer! Comment who you think it is, even though it's sorta obvious lmaoo. But yeah, next chapter comin soon. 💛💛💛

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