Chapter 4

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     I wake up and notice that Brahms is no longer in the room. I get up to go check his room, and he isn't in there either. After awhile, I hear what sounds like pans hitting the floor from downstairs. I rush downstairs and notice that Brahms is making Breakfast.

(Brahms p.o.v)
     I can feel Greta's presence, and I turn around to see her standing there. She has a surprised look on her face, and I smile. "What?" I ask. "N-nothing. Have you forgotten about the rules?" I know I'm gonna miss them. But I think it's time for a new lifestyle. As long as she doesn't go over board about taking advantage of the rules. "No. Just trying something new." I say. I turn back into her direction and she smiles. When I look back at the stove, I can feel her arms wrapped around me, and I get butterflies throughout my whole body, and I blush. "What are you making?" She obviously knows what I'm making. "Pancakes, you like them right?" I ask. "Yes, very."  "Good" I say smiling.

Time skip
           I pull the seat out, and signal for her to sit. After she sits, I bring the plates and place them in front of us. She starts to eat and nods. "They're really good, how did you learn how to cook?" She asks. "My mother taught me on my 8th birthday.." I say, and look down at my plate. She looks back up and then back down. "Oh.." there was a silence until Greta asks a question that I was trying to avoid. "Brahms? Can I ask you something?" I nod. "Malcolm. Where is he." I stop eating and look up at her and forcibly place my fork down onto my plate. I lean back and cross my arms. "He's hidden somewhere." I say. "Where? Why can't he stay with us?" She asks. I sigh. "He's in the house, but I'm not telling you where."

(Gretas p.o.v)
           I could tell he was going to end up getting angry with me, but Malcolm didn't deserve this. I wanted him out from where ever Brahms had put him. "Brahms. I want him out from where you put him." He laughs and little. "What's so funny?" He brings his arms out and slams them on the table, leaning forward, and I jump. "Now why would I do that?" He says. He has this evil cunning look in his eyes. "Where is he Brahms." I ask. He gets up and grabs our plates. "I'm not telling you."

"Tell me or I'm leaving."

After I say that, I instantly regret it. He stops in his tracks and turns around, towering over me in my seat, still with the plates in his hands. "Your not leaving me, Greta." He says, his voice is getting deeper and scarier. I lean forward to him and say two words. "Watch me."

He flips the plates in his hands and slams them on the table, shattering underneath his hands. I jump back in my seat and he picks me up, so that half of me is over his back.

"Put me down!" I yell. He stops a few feet away from the door and drops me, landing on my back. He stares at me and points to the door. I lean up still sitting on the ground. I look at him and then the door, and back. He brings his hand down and slowly bends down. "Why do you hesitate?" He asks, his voice is much softer. "I, I don't know.." he slowly gets back up and tells me to stand up against the wall, and wait there. He disappears behind the stairs and I hold my breath to see if I can hear anything.

I can hear Brahms coming back out, but he's not alone. Still not in my sight, I hear Brahms whispering. He then walks out and stands a few feet in front of me, and I stare at him.

He slowly turns towards the stairs and Malcolm comes walking out...

but it seems like someone had been taking care of him. Brahms had helped the bruise on his head, and wrapped his arm up. He also didn't look like he was starving. "Malcolm.." I say under my breath. He looks at me, and back at Brahms. Brahms nods, and Malcolm gives me a big hug, and I hug him back. He whispers in my ear he's able to still see me. I sigh in relief. We let go and he walks out the front door. I stare at the ground and once I look back up, Brahms is gone.

I'll update once I see votes :)

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