Chapter 7//The truth hurts

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This wasn't supposed to happen, I was supposed to reject him! I was supposed to reject him and leave at the end of the year. I was supposed to be a lone wolf. If I hadn't have come to this school I would never have met him! I mean what are the chances that of all the places in the world I could have run to, this is the one where my mate was. Karma is a bitch.

After studying his face I quickly averted my eyes trying to avoid the coming conversation. But of course he had to bring it up anyway.

"So.... you know that we're mates right?" He asks.

"Yeah" I mumble.

"Well I was wondering whether you felt anything between us... I certainly do" he says, smirking.

I sigh, I can't tell him a flat out no because then he might try to stop me rejecting him, but I couldn't say yes either.

"Maybe. But I've just come out of a messy relationship and I don't think I'm ready to become the Luna of your pack yet." I lie straight through my teeth. I've never had a boyfriend in my life, and I'm not planning on letting Kyle spoil that record.

He nods silently, "ok, I get that. But just so you know..." he leans in closer so that his breath is fanning my pink cheeks, "I like you.. a lot and I'd be proud to make you my Luna.".

My heart stops. Kyle just said that he likes me. Kyle... the hottest guy in school just confessed to liking me... the new girl who just gave him a major beating.

What is this dude thinking?!

I can't help but laugh faintly.

"What?" He asks grinning.

"I just fail to see how beating a guy up in front of the whole class makes him like you" I say, grinning. I hear him laugh and look up to see a smile so bright that it could light up the world. I feel my fingers growing numb and I blink a couple times to regain composure before the nurse returns.

"Looks like you had a minor concussion".

"Had?" Kyle asks.

"Well due to the werewolf healing it should be gone by now so you can both return to class.".

I take this opportunity to get away from Kyle by hopping off the bed and hastily walking out the door. I'm about halfway down the hallway when he catches up to me.

"Damn, you're fast! I wanted to finish talking to you" he says.

I roll my eyes, "what do you want to talk about now? The wonders of mating?" I hiss.
Then he looks me deep in the eye and gasps as if he just figured something out.

"You're gonna reject me aren't you.".

I open my mouth to come up with some lie but it never comes so I shut my mouth and stare at my feet in shame. When I look up I see a mix between anger and sadness on his face.

"Well I'm not gonna let you." He growls at me before swiftly turning around and walking away.

Well there goes that idea!

I feel myself let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, then I grab my books before heading to class.

//time lapse to after school//

After classes ended for the day I decide to go straight back to the dorm and sleep for the rest of the day. Unfortunately that isn't much of an option as when I walk through the door I am bombarded by a group of screaming girls who embrace me a big group hug.

Among the girls I recognised Saskia who was beyond ecstatic.

"OMG I can't believe your rooming with us!!!" She screams. Then introduces me to the other two girls. It quickly becomes apparent that students only room with people of your own kind, as they were all werewolves.

First there is Becca, who is a shy girl with short black hair and is very nice as far as I can tell. Then there's Ashley who is a perky girl with long brown hair. So far I'm getting along well with them. Saskia and Ashley are both major gossips so they are fun to have a laugh with and Becca is really sweet and funny as well, always contradicting what Saskia says. They're the only friends I've made so far and I'm having quite a lot of fun getting to know them, when I hear a knock on the door.

I strut over to the door and swing it open, expecting to see Kyle. But inside I see Kelly with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi Ella. Look I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about how we got off on the wrong foot earlier. If you get to know me I promise I'm not as bitchy as I may seem. So on that note, do you wanna grab a coffee at the kiosk?".

I think for a moment, "sure, why not. If it means we can put all our differences aside.".


Then I grab my stuff and close the door, leaving my three startled room mates with their jaws on the ground.

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