Chapter 20//The light at the end of the tunnel

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Ella's POV

"Yes Ella. I am the moon goddess.".

The shock of this revelation slackens my face into wax. There is no way that my mother is the moon goddess! My mother was kind and generous and reserved, she wasn't the queen of werewolves.

But what if she is? Would that make me...

"And yes that also makes you a daughter of the moon".

My face slackens even further.

"Look I'm sure you have a lot of questions so I came here to answer them all, and to set you on the right path. First of all, yes, this is the reason why you have your powers. Second of all, the reason you are a coyote and not a wolf, is that your father was a coyote when I first met him. I had been on an expedition to see for myself the wonders of the human world and I found what I was looking for in your father."

My mind is a building storm of questions, but after what my mother has just explained I am able to answer most of them by myself. This is why I was born different. This is why my parents were killed. Wait what?!

"You died. I saw it".

At this I can see her face slacken as a grim expression takes place.

"That was one of my worst mistakes. I got too distracted in raising my own family that I didn't listen to the moon," I watch in confusion as tears fill her eyes,"It told me they were coming. It told me that we would all die. But I didn't listen because I had built this concept in my head, that anything that good and joyful couldn't be brought down by such evil. Yet in the end it was your father that paid the price for my mistake."

Finally it all makes sense. Since she can't die, she had to watch my father getting killed, unable to do anything under the risk of exposing herself. She must have been forced to choose between family and responsibility.

Well, she chose wrong.

"You do realise that I may never trust you again after this.." I mutter just so it's clear.

"Yes I understand that. I just thought that everyone deserves the truth, despite how brutal it may be.".

I can't help but feel that my entire life was a lie. She has kept so many secrets from me that I'm not even sure that I know myself! I mean, who am I? She was the person who answered that question for me for my entire life! She told me who I was and how I would make a difference, so now that I know that everything she said was a lie...

Who am I?

It's like the memory of my childhood has been ripped in half or quarantined off for further examination.

The parents, the family I had once felt so loved by, now present a sense of fear and uncertainty. Up until this moment, the memory of my parents and my childhood had been my anchor when ever I felt lost. Now it's like the wall I was once leaning on has disappeared and I'm falling into oblivion.

Suddenly the only thing that I can rely on is Kyle. Yet he has left me too. Once again, I'm all alone...

No. I refuse to remain like this. I refuse to remain this pitiful girl who has to find strength in other people. I have to search deep inside myself for my own strength. I have to find that instinct, that feeling that gives me the determination to continue.

"Ella, I know what's happening to you. How your emotions are heightening, causing your powers to. To learn how to control it you must find your anchor. You must have faith that it will keep you in control and it will do so.".

I nod and then gulp.
"I'm leaving now. I thank you for what you have told me, but know that in no way will it make up for what you have done.".

She nods grimly. Taking this as the sign that I can leave, I shift and bolt back into the trees the first chance I get. The new found strength inside of me drives me forward with the speed of a train.

I have to find him. I have to find my anchor. He's the only thing I trust or have faith in. I just have to believe in him and he'll save me...

Kyle's POV

I can't recall the happenings of the last day, nor do I care. I know that we stopped about half an hour ago to spend the night in the woods, but other than that everything is fuzzy.

All I can think about is that I should have been better. I should have done right by her. No, I should have run faster. Now, all I can remember is the mere inches between her lifeless body and I. Just a few inches...

All my life I have felt that I had a future ahead of me. Sure the details were fuzzy but I knew what I would do. I would finish school, become alpha, find my mate, have a family and then train my heir.

I had never thought that the 'finding my mate' component would mean as much!

I thought that we would love each other, full stop. I didn't think that meeting her would cause my whole core to shift. I didn't think that instead of my life circling my pack, that it would circle this one person.


God, even thinking her name makes me want to fall to the ground in a fit of sobs. The way it sounds. No, the way my name sounded on her lips. The way it seemed to roll of her tongue like it was a part of a language that only she knew how to speak.

Sure I've had other girlfriends, but none like her. They were all self-centred and arrogant.

I have to say that the thing I loved most about Ella-as much as it pains me to say it- was her retaliation and strong will. She was the first piece of my life that didn't fit into place as I had wanted it to. I guess that's what drew me to her.

However, out of all these troubles the thing that pains me the most is that I never got to find out if she felt the same. Don't get me wrong, I know that we were mates, but only 75% of mates work out. She could have never liked me at all and I will never know. I just wish that she were as drawn to me as I was to her..

Ella's POV

I can feel myself been drawn to him as I get closer and closer. Then finally I am able to catch a waft of his scent. Oh I missed his intoxicating scent. The scent that I want to wake up to every morning. The scent that drives me crazy.

My pace picks up at this last observation as I drive even further towards him, until finally...

I can see him.

Peaking out from behind the trees I can spot him standing limply facing the woods. His face shows no emotion, giving off the impression that he is deep in thought.

I can smell his sadness from here. However, mixed with that scent I can also identify the same burning passion that I had felt earlier in the woods. That desire to be with the one you love.

Finally, I can tell him how I feel. I can run into his arms and let myself become enveloped in his calming presence. I can let my guard down and shrink into his embrace. I can finally see him again.

Finally feeling happy once more I allow myself to do what any other teen girl in my situation would.

I go to him.

Hi everyone. Soz that I couldn't update twice this weekend, I got caught up in reading Fallen by Lauren Kate. COMMENT IF YOU LOVE IT AS MICH AS I DO!!! I swear my life is now revolving around that book. I haven't finished it yet though so no spoilers plz or else......

Jk. But still.

Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed that update. I'm sorry to leave you on that one part but I'm trying to savour the moment. *she says as she laughs out loud at her own stupidity.

I know that everyone must hate me right now for not updating and then leaving you with that short chapter. But anyways, if I didn't do it then you wouldn't stick around!

Lots of love to my hateful readers :*(


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