Chapter 18//Into the woods

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^^a song to listen to, comment if you love it as much as I do!

Last update for the week, until the coming Friday (in Australia). I hope you enjoy and have mentally prepared yourself for the drama to come ; )

Ella's POV

I don't know what is happening to me, but I can sense that something is different. Suddenly all of my emotions are heightened and I have a feeling that it means something.

I don't know what happened back at the hunters camp except that the flames I thought were only inside of me, where actually outside of me. It was as if my emotions had taken on an exterior form. Now that I think about it, maybe since I was angry the flames represented that anger. But that leaves the question, what will all of my other emotions look like?

After hours of walking through the forest with Kyle and his pack I have come to realise that I may not be in control.

I can estimate that it is around noon since the sun is right above me, peaking through the trees. The gaps between the leaves cast flickers of light across my face, like brief snippets of what lies beyond these endless woods.

Then it hits me. Maybe I can fly over the trees to get a better vantage point. Should I tell him?

No. He'll just try to stop me from using my powers again. So without looking back once I speed up my pace to a sprint and just as I hear footsteps behind me, I propel myself into the air.

But just as I can feel the wind meeting my flustered cheeks, Kyle places a firm grip on my forearm. I look down at him in annoyance.

"Where do you think you're going?"he asks.

I can see that the rest of the pack is taking this as an opportunity to rest. Since Kyle decided that I couldn't shift and run with them and I refused to sit on anyone's back, we stayed in human form which is at least 10 times more tiring. The pack's willingness to do so for me is quite startling. I'm not used to people caring about me, but I don't think I appreciate Kyle's form of 'caring'.

"I'm flying up to get a better vantage point. How bout you?"

"Well at the moment I'm stopping you from killing yourself. Plus, we need to talk".

Grudgingly I return to the ground and cross my arms facing him.

"About what?"

"How you just turned into a ball of blue fire perhaps", he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I groan and start to walk away. Unfortunately Kyle follows me.

I just continue to walk until we are far away from the rest of the pack and Kyle's footsteps have become quite agitating. Groaning again I stop and turn around.

"I told you I didn't want to talk about it!".

"Well what kind of a mate would I be if I listened?".

The second the word 'mate' rolls off his tongue, shivers are sprinkled down my spine. In this moment I so desperately want to tell him how I feel and kiss him until the sun bleeds from the sky, but I know better.

"Ella? Earth to Ella!".

I shake my self out of the daze.


"It's like you were in your own little world right there. Let me guess. It's filled with images of me." He says smirking.

I take a deep breath and release it viciously through my nose.

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