Chapter 16//The great escape

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The moon looms above us with it's refreshing presence lighting our way. But in no way would it help us find a way out of here. The hunter's fortress was exactly that.... A FRICKIN' FORTRESS!!. We had been kept in a small building in the centre of the facility so once found our way out of it we found ourselves in the centre of a large clearing that was filled with danger. Every building was surrounded with barb wire fences that climbed so high you would think they touched the sky. I understand that this was to stop wolves from jumping over them, but why have it around every single bloody building?!?

My hands were still clasped loosely around Kyle's neck as I regained my energy. He had carried me through the building like I weighed nothing, until he saw the fences and the rest of the facility. Then his shoulders slumped and the fear on his face was recognisable. He turned left and right, looking in all directions for an escape. I saw the rest of the wolves doing the same thing, but was disappointed at their defeated expressions.

Realising what had to be done, I tapped Kyle lightly on the shoulder. He twisted his head in my direction.

"Let me down for a sec" I mutter in his ear, still trying to get my wits about me.

"Are you sure?".

I nod, and though he can't see me he slowly lowers me to the ground. Turning to face me, he places his hands on both of my arms, trying to steady me. As he lets go I feel the ground tilting beneath my feet, until his steady hands clasp mine, steadying me. I take a second then let go of his hands, surprised by my new found composure.

As the world finally stops wobbling and my vision clears, I see that all the wolves, even Kyle are looking to me for a way out. With a new found confidence I smirked at them.

"My plan is probably nothing compared to that of the great 'Edge water pack' so by all means, share yours".

Kyle and his wolves look to each other waiting for someone to step up until Kyle finally steps forward.

"We could form a human ladder", he says confidently.

I chuckle lightly at his idiocy.

"And how do you suppose we get over the barb wire?", I reply smirking, with a hand on my hip.

Silence fills the air once more, until i continue.

"Well since you guys don't have one, here's my idea. How about I lift all of you over the fence one by one?"

I see Kyle beaming with pride at my suggestion while the others are looking between one another with confused expressions.

"And how are you planning to do that?" one asks boldly earning chuckles from around the crowd.

I feel Kyle tense in annoyance but I flash him a grin. He looks at me thoughtfully before finally understanding and plastering a smirk on his face.

I turn back to the wolf who had spoken.

"Well I could always do this", I start, before using all my might to lift him off the ground. The wolf is hurled over the fence, landing on his bum in a matter of seconds.

"Well that works", Kyle replies. The other wolves nod, not daring to question me and start to line up near the fence. I take a deep breath and begin to hurl each of them over the fence. Towards the last couple, I can feel my strength draining. I watch as Kyle looks cautiously around the pitch black clearing for any sign of hunters. The few guards  there were, we were able to avoid, but we were still wary. 

Finally I have lifted the whole pack across the fence, leaving Kyle and I. 

"You can lift yourself right?" he asks, fearfully.

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