Chapter 21//This moment

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Kyle's POV
The woods hold the whispers of death and sorrow. The stories of those who died there and that of those who have lost someone are heard echoing through the prickly trees. I can sense the tension and anxiety that is mingling with the dampness of the forest air, as my pack and I take turns watching the trees surrounding us.

There is something wrong with this wood, something eerie, so I can't let my strength succumb to my sorrow. I won't let Ella's death be the downfall of all that I had hoped for in life. She wouldn't want it to. She would want me to continue on, with an even stronger determination. So that's what I'll do.

After stopping for the night, I had withdrawn myself from the rest of the pack by moving to stand at the edge of the woods, facing the trees. I was thankful for their silent understanding. That's one of the perks of being alpha. The rest of your pack can always sense how you're feeling and if you need consoling or not.

At the moment I'm not sure where we are, so I'm making sure that I keep on my feet in case we accidentally stumbled onto another pack's territory. I'm doubtful that we did though, since they would have sent scouts by now.
However, a rustling noise from somewhere behind me causes me to rethink my assumption.

Immediately whipping around I begin to scan the forest for the source of the noise and notice the rest of the pack doing the same. Silence fills the tense atmosphere.

Until a figure steps out from behind a tree, with the nights shadow cloaking their identity.

"Who are you?" I shout into the darkness.

As the figure steps out from the shadows it's as though all sense of reality has dissipated and I am now living in my dreams.

Standing before me, is my Ella.

It's as though I am being visited by a ghost. Her clothes are the same ones she was wearing when she died. Her hair is blowing to the side of her neck in a gorgeous curve, with the wind whipping single strands of it onto her cheekbones. There is the familiar patch of blood covering the neck line of her t-shirt. Yet, what strikes me the most is the nonexistent wound that the blood originated from. Her neck has returned to its original state instead of the crooked angle it had been at the last time I had seen her.

For that single moment I am mesmerised by her unnatural state that I don't notice the silence among my pack. Then I realise that they  can see her too, and if they can see her then she must be here.

"Kyle?" She whispers, her voice cracking as tears begin to slip down her cheeks.

Cautiously taking a step forward, I watch in silence as she does the same.

"Ella?" I whisper back. My eyelids refuse to blink as I take every moment I can to take her in.

She nods, biting her lip and as soon as she does so, I sprint as fast as I can over to her.

As soon as we collide I wrap her in a warm embrace, pulling her as far into my chest as possible. She wraps her soft arms around my torso and pulls me closer. It's as if we are trying to come as close to each as possible, absorbing each other's presence.

Leaning down, I press my head into the crook of her neck and breath in her intoxicating scent. We remain like that for what feels like hours until I grudgingly pull away to rest my forehead on hers.

"How?" I whisper.

She's breathing heavily and clutching the back of my shirt in fists as she responds.

"I don't know. I just woke up in the woods and I was alone".

Oh god, what did I do? I left her there, by herself. In the middle of the woods, when she was at her most vulnerable.

What kind of a messed up mate does that?
I abandoned her. Left her for dead- even though she technically was. But I still should have been there for her.

I guess she must have seen the hint of anger in my eyes, since she brought her hand up to cup my cheek.

"It's ok. It's not your fault. It was just a little traumatising waking up with a cracked neck." She says, laughing a bit at the end.

How can she be laughing at a time like this? How can she remain positive after she just died?!?! No, the real question is how does it make me love her even more than I already do? Suddenly I can't take it. I can't take the secrets and I don't care whether she rejects me or not.

I just have to tell her.

"Ella. I have to tell you something".

She nods at me to continue, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Ella.... I've loved you from the moment I met you."

The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them and I can hear her gasp as she looks up at me.


"No, just let me finish before you say anything. Ella, I love everything about you. I love the way that your hair falls in a perfect slant across your cheek. I love the way you bite your lip when you're nervous. I love the way you look at your feet when your embarrassed. I love the way you make friends with girls who throw high heels at me. I love the way your eyes look like stars in an infinite sky. Hell, I even love how stubborn you are about everything I do. Ella, I love you more than anything else in existence and I don't care whether you don't love me back because I had to make sure that you heard it."

My eyes drift shut as my shoulders sag. I finally told her how I feel, and I'm proud to say that I don't regret it for a minute.

A soft touch on my neck causes my eyes to drift open again. She has placed her hand on my neck while her thumb is rubbing circles on the back of my jaw. Then, with an adoring look in her eyes, she says the words I have been waiting to hear my entire life.

"I love you too".

The happiness that I can feel coursing through my veins is astonishing. A wide smile pulls at the corners of my lips until I can't take it anymore and I kiss her.

I kiss her with all of the pain and sorrow that I've felt over the past day. I kiss her with all of the happiness I felt hearing that my love was not unrequited. I kiss her with all the love I bear in my expanding heart, and to my relief, she kisses me back.

When we finally pull apart I realise that that was our first kiss. The urge to kiss her again is overwhelming but I contain myself knowing that my entire pack is probably watching us. She seems to realise this too, as a few sighs are heard from the crowd.

Lifting her chin so that I can see the roses blooming in her cheeks, I rest my forehead on hers once more.

In this moment, I can feel that we are both content, happy, fulfilled, and neither of us want to pull away.

So we don't.

Hay everyone. I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday, but I have a maths exam on Monday. However, I hope that everyone loved that chapter as much as I did. Comment with ship names or obsessive rants like I do for the books I read. *she thinks back to all the rants she had left on other people's books with a smirk on her face.

I'll probs update tomorrow to make up for it.


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