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October 25th 2017

Calvin didn't go into work that day.

He had called his PA Noah on the way here, and told him that he should maintain everything while he took the day off. Noah was surprised that his boss had taken a day off, but didn't question it as he knew the way his boss preferred to work. No questions.

And Noah respected his wishes.

Calvin closed the front door behind him quietly, listening out for the 'click' so that he would know it was closed.

He could only imagine how mad Audrey must be, and he didn't want to add any more fuel to the fire.

After talking to his brother, his head had cleared a bit. Calvin winced, thinking about the inner turmoil that Audrey must be going through everyday knowing that her husband cheated on her. Now, not loving her, he couldn't control. But the way that he composed himself regarding the situation, he could.

He figured, the least he could do is honour the remainder of the two months that is left. And after that, he would go his way, and hopefully she would go hers. He would be able to live his happy life with Jane and start a family. He wouldn't have to see her again once the time was over.

He felt guilty and was ready to make amends. He doubted that it would make much of a difference, being civil to his wife after emotionally torturing her for the past two years, but it was all that he could do.

Calvin couldn't make himself stop hating Audrey, but he could try ignoring his feelings. For now, anyway.

If he was being honest, there was a part of him that was scared...of what Audrey would do. He had technically broken the contract by going to see Jane -the fact that he had done much more than just see her, he would keep to himself- and Audrey was entitled to the house along with everything that he had ever given her; including the pendant that Jane so badly wanted. She could have him out of the street with just the clothes on his back in less than an hour, but he knew she wouldn't.

She loved him too much.

And that just made him feel guiltier.

All these years, not once did he stop to think what he was doing to Audrey -even though she was to blame for the destruction of their marriage- and now that he did, it was all so overwhelming.

He could only imagine how Audrey dealt with it all.

Placing his briefcase down on the coffee table, he was surprised to find Audrey still asleep. On the sofa.

Glancing at his expensive wrist watch, he noted the time. 10.41 am. He was surprised. Audrey was an early worm, she barely ever slept past eight.

It was probably good that he didn't have to face her straight away. After he had been away for five days. He had no idea what he would do or say if she were to be waiting for him.

He didn't trust himself.

Tearing his eyes away from her sleeping form, he walked upstairs for a shower.

Less than half an hour later, he was changed into a plain white t-shirt and some loose sweatpants. Seeing as he wasn't going into work today, he was dressed casually. There was no reason for dressing up today.

One glance at Audrey's sleeping form, Calvin sighed and headed into the kitchen. He hadn't cooked a meal in a long time, but it seemed that he would have to today if he wanted something to eat.

It was quite ironic that when he had first come home, he was glad that she was asleep, but now he wished that she was awake. Even if the reason was that he wanted her to cook his lunch.

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