Chapter 7 - Training Day #1

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It's the first day of training; the day that I've been waiting for since the moment I volunteered to be in the Hunger Games. Today was the day that I could actually prove my potential, though I don't know who I'd be proving it to. Maybe my dad, because he's the one that got me here, but that wouldn't be all that true, either. And plus, I don't believe he's even going to be watching.

My dad was, is, a tough man. When I turned 8 years old, he had begun preparing me for the Hunger Games because he knew that he wanted me in them, and he knew that if he beat the crap out of me, I would be able to win.

It had started out of nowhere, but the routine had always been the same. I would be home, trying to busy myself with my homework (this was before he pulled me out of school), when he'd stormed in, grabbing me by my arm and demanding that we train. In the earlier days, I would protest, pleading with him to stop because it was too hard as he'd pull me out to the backyard.

But fighting against him had never worked. A quick slap to the face would correct that kind of behavior in my house. Nothing, and no one, would get in his way, not even my poor mother. She'd protest early on, too, asking him to give me some mercy, but he'd instilled a fear in her as well, and I'd do anything to distract him from her.

So, I'd had no choice.. it was either refuse and be hit, or obey, and maybe be hit. At first, getting hit when training was definite, but I'd learned that maybe, if I could work hard enough, I could deflect his blows and save myself, and maybe even my mother, the pain for one night. I'd learned that the better I did with him, the better for us all...

It sucks to think of my father in this way, but that's just who he was to me. I spent countless nights listening to my mother cry, and everyday I had a new bruise, but I guess it paid off in the end. I mean.. I'm here, right? And I'm obviously the best out of everyone else that's been reaped for this Hunger Games circuit.

Someone snaps me out of my thoughts, but it's almost a welcomed distraction. I can't think about those things, not when I'm here. It'll throw me off and I need to stay focused. It's already hard enough trying to focus with Primrose throwing everything way off course.

"Alright, are you guys ready?" my mentor, Jeffrey, asks.

"Of course we're ready," Clove says, rolling her eyes. "Why would we not be ready?"

"I know, I know, District 2," he responds with a sigh. "Just remember, do not show them your full potential until individual assessment. These training sessions are just so that you and the other Careers can get to know one another."

"Why can't I show my potential? Everyone knows I'm better than everyone in that room anyway," I say to him, throwing my hands up.

Jeff sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "It's just strategy. You don't show them what you're made of, and then when you go individually, they won't know what to expect," he explains. He's speaking to us both, but his eyes linger more toward Clove, who I suspect he thinks is easier to talk to. I can tell he's nervous when speaking to me.

What a punk.

"Hello? Do you guys get it?" He snaps his fingers in my face, commanding my attention once again. I nod, as does Clove.

"Are you sure?" he asks again.

I place my hands on my hips in an effort to keep myself calmed. I'm starting to get frustrated.

"We get it. Now move!" I yell at him. He throws his hands up in defense but moves anyway.

I roll my eyes as Clove and I walk past him into the door. Clove and I remain silent as we take the short elevator ride down to the training center. I'm anxious to get to train again, but also to see her. I wonder if she's already down there..

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