Chapter 14 - The Interview #3

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Here we go for you all! Hope you enjoy.

Prim's POV:

I felt so lonely when I woke up and Cato was not laying next to me with my body pressed closely against his. It was a lot colder than when I woke up earlier, and sadness consumed every fibre of my being with him not being here. I could still smell him in the space next to me and on my pillows, so that calmed me a bit. I laid down on his side of the bed and revelled in him.

Cato was so sweet yesterday and this morning, other than his outburst, over nothing if I may say so, but I could honestly say that I enjoyed being with him and for once I felt that we were a normal couple.. If that's what we even are. It sucks that we are doing this under the obvious circumstances, but at least we were somewhat managing it.

I realize that today is another day of surviving training by Effie for the interview, which is only tomorrow. It's early, so she would probably come clacking down the hall with her stupid shoes, screeching for me to get ready, so I got up on my own to prepare, physically and mentally because heaven knows you need a lot of preparation to handle her.

I sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed the sleep from my face. It became easier to wake up and realize that I'm no longer at home in the Seam. I guess things were getting somewhat normal here.

As I move to stand, something catches my attention sitting on my bedside table: a note.

Meet me in the same spot tonight. Right before sunset.


My heart fluttered with glee. He actually enjoyed yesterday and wanted to be with me again. I know it should be obvious now that he likes me, but I find it hard to believe, or too good to be true. It all feels like some foreign dream that wasn't meant for me. It doesn't matter though, I was enjoying this without a doubt.

I did my normal (as normal as it would be) morning routine, showering and all that before dragging my feet to the dining area where everyone was sitting, including Peeta. He was rather annoyingly avoiding making eye contact with me, making me believe that he felt guilty for wanting to train alone. No matter, I wasn't upset about it; it means I can think less about him and more about Cato.

"Morning," I mutter, sitting down at the table. I get similar responses from everyone else, other than Effie, who, of course, rambles on about the beautiful day in the Capitol and the wonders of the world and blah blah blah.

"So, what's the schedule for today?" I ask as an Avox sits down my breakfast in front of me. "Thank you." The Avox girl smiles and nods her head once before silently walking away.

Effie scowls at me for thanking the Avox, but answers my question. "Well, we have one more day of practice for the interview, if you are willing to do it after yesterday's encounter Primrose, but that will be all," she explains. I nod in answer and return to my glorious orange juice and food.

"How is your practice going, Peeta?" I ask, knowing that it would make him flustered, embarrassed, or whatever else.

"Fine," he mumbles, his face going red. He continues to avoid eye contact.

I send him daggers with my eyes and return to my food, taking slow bites. After a while of awkward silence, Effie clears her throat and stands.

"Well, when you finish Primrose, you have a couple of hours of rest and then we will get right back into business, so meet me in the same room so that we can finish our interrupted session," Effie says, and scurries out on high heels with butterflies attached to them. Knowing her, they were probably real butterflies.

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