Chapter 10 - The Assessment #2

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I'm so sorry for making you guys wait for more than two weeks! I will make it up to you! Happy reading!

"I.. I don't know." I answered Peeta. When I kissed him, it felt like I was just powered up by a battery, but when I kissed Cato, it felt like I had been powered by the entire electricity company.

"You don't know what?" he asks me, his eyes searching my entire face, desperate for a positive answer.

"I don't know how I felt," I mumbled.

Peeta frowns and takes a step back. "About the kiss or about me?" He asks.

I shrug, avoiding the burning gaze that I was receiving by piercing blue eyes. How do I tell him that it wasn't enough? I can't just come out and say 'it wasn't enough'.

I guess I'm just gonna have to.

"About all of this," I say, finally making my eyes meet his. "It just didn't feel like there was enough."

Peeta nods once, his brows loosely furrowed. "Are you sure?"

I nod at him slowly. I wanted nothing more than to try and make him feel content, but it just wasn't there, and I really could not force it.

"I'm sure," I say.

Peeta plasters on a sad smile and nods again. "That's okay. At least we tried," he says.

"Yeah. I'm sorry," I apologize.

"No, it's okay. Just because it didn't work out now doesn't mean that I won't stop trying," he says.

I frowned and looked away. If he didn't stop trying, that means that one way or another, Cato is going to find out, and I know for a fact that he is not going to be happy about it.

I have to figure out a way to stop him from trying, especially when Cato is around. It's going to be a tough mission.

Time to strap on my thinking cap.

"Well, um, I have to get ready now," I said, fiddling with my thumbs and avoiding his gaze again. I don't know why I was feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Right. Okay, well I'll see you in a bit." I feel his lips brush against my cheek and feel the heat flushing through my face.

Peeta turns on his heels and walks out of my room, closing the door behind him. As soon as he's gone, I let out the huge breath that I had been holding, relieved that it was finally over.

I fan my face and turn to put on the jumpsuit for my assessment. I was hoping that this assessment would help me take my mind off of everything that has happened today, and yesterday, and everything else in my life for that matter.

I peeled my clothes off of my sticky body, unaware of the fact that I was sweating, and went to take a quick cold shower. After my shower, I slowly pull the tight black jumpsuit over my body. It accents curves that I don't like to broadcast to the world, something always makes me uncomfortable for some reason. I left my hair down my back, parting it on the left side of my face and letting it flow in down in its natural ringlets.

I pulled on the shoes that come with the jumpsuit and took a deep breath before walking out of my room, being careful not to run into Peeta.

It was scaring me that I had kissed him, first because of Katniss, but also because there is the possibility that Cato would find out. I don't think that I could face him knowing that I had done some dirty work. I felt like I cheated on him, even though we aren't even together. I don't even think we're ever going to be official.

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