Chapter 28 - Katniss

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The moment my sister gets home, a fight has started. This is the best way to introduce my family to my.. boyfriend? They most likely know how aggressive he is, and this would not make his situation and impression on them any better.

I ran in-between the two. Cato was not afraid to hit a girl, and I was sure he wasn't going to make an exception because this one was my sister.

I threw my hands up in front of Cato as he (literally) growled and lunged at Katniss. I couldn't let them battle it out over me. I was always Katniss', and now I'm Cato's.

"Katniss, please don't," I pleaded while trying to keep Cato away from her.

"Why?!" she yelled. "He took advantage of you!"

"I didn't fucking take advantage of anyone! It was her choice!" Cato yelled back at her. His face was red; he was fuming already. That crazy look in his eyes was there.. just like it was in the Games.. oh no.

Katniss tried to punch him again, but Mother got in the middle of us so that I wouldn't have to try to hold both of these monsters in control. It was already hard enough trying to keep Cato calm since he was twice my size and five times stronger than me.

"You didn't give her a choice!" Katniss yelled back, struggling under Mother's grip. "Mom, let me go!"

"Rose, let me go!" Cato yelled, trying to push himself toward my sister.

"Cato, no. Calm down, please!"

"No, just give me one fucking sec-"

I shoved Cato as hard as I could up the stairs to my room, interrupting him from finishing his sentence. First, he shouldn't be swearing in front of my Mother. Now was not the time for a fight. This was my first time being home. I didn't want to start it off on a bad note. I wanted to talk to my family, see how things were going, not leave early because Katniss and Cato couldn't maintain their tempers.

Cato kept his angry eyes trained on Katniss until we made it to the room and the door was closed. He paced back and forth across the room, rubbing his hands along his face and through his hair.

"Cato, what was that about?"

Cato stares at me, bewildered. "What the fuck do you mean? She started the whole thing!" he yelled, swearing at me.

"Stop swearing, please?"

"I can say whatever the fuck I want."

That was a lost cause.. I shook my head and sighed, placing my hands on my hips. "You didn't have to react that way," I tried to reason, even though it was technically her fault. But, she is my sister, and I know she went through a great deal of pain.

"So I'm supposed to let an uptight bitch do what she wants and keep a smile on my face?" he shouts at me again.

"Don't call her that! I know she shouldn't have hit you, but you could at least be reasonable. Think of what she's been through since I left," I told him.

Cato rolls his eyes and sighs. "Did you think about what we went through? Who cares about how she feels." He hisses and grabs his jaw, which was beginning to bruise. Katniss hit him, and she hit him hard.

He must be so furious that she actually got away with that.

I walked up to him and touched his jaw, causing him to jerk away from the pain. "Sit down. Let me take care of your jaw."

Cato shook his head, cupping his cheek in his hand. "It's fine," he mumbled, turning away from me. I could tell he was both angry at me for siding with Katniss and angry at the fact that she was able to actually hurt him. I don't think anyone's been able to hurt him before.

Yours [Prim/Cato]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें