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Thank you for being interested in this little fanfiction of mine. I'm sorry it's not very high quality; I started writing this when I was 13 and needless to say I wasn't very good at writing. I rewrote the first four chapters but that's about as far as I could stand doing it. I'm 17 now, and I want to be directing my effort towards other book ideas I have. So, again, very sorry for the quality of writing. The first four chapters, the end bit of season 2, and season 3 are adequate in my eyes. But I'm not gonna lie to you, the first season is very rough. (2/4/21)

Book Started: August 16th, 2017

Book Ended: March 27th, 2020

P.S This survey is absolutely mandatory. You'll be fired if you don't answer every question in great detail.

What's your eye color and what are your personal grievances with it?

Does anybody know their Myers-Briggs Personality? (I'm INFJ).

What's your favorite food?

Why are you reading fanfiction right now?

Where are you? (Answer with lies only).

What's your favorite philosophy?

I don't like chocolate. How does that make you feel?

Self promote your Wattpad stories here.

What does Play Doh taste like?

Are any of you double jointed?

Would you ever consider joining a circus?

How many cats do you have? (zero is not acceptable).


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