Chapter 51: The Moon Spirit

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Right then, Appa swooped down from the sky and landed in front of us, I saw Sokka and Yue in the saddle.

Another flush of pain went through my jaw, I let out a groan and my hand went to grab the bandages on my face. "What happened!" Sokka yelled jumping off of Appa and running over to Katara and I. "I went up against Zuko, but that doesn't matter--"

"You did what!?" Sokka yelled at me, "Sokka, we just need to focus on getting Aang back." Katara said to him. Sokka seemed to put away his feelings of rage for Zuko and agreed with us.

"Then Zuko wouldn't have gotten far. We can find him," He said and then helped us up onto Appa's saddle next to Yue. We took off into the snowy air.

It was a cold night with cold wind and I found myself putting on my forgotten coat that laid in the back of the saddle, If I was cold then no doubt Aang would also be cold. The wind was coming from the opposite direction we were flying in so it was making Appa faster and a little less tired but it was also hard for him to slow down so we could look around at the snowy floor.

Only minutes into our desperate search the snow picked up and the wind begun to howl, we were flying right through a snowstorm. While trying to track someone that was trudging through the snow. I think we all were thinking the same thought, if Zuko would be able to make it through the storm alive.

"Don't worry, Prince Zuko can't be getting far in this weather." Yue tried to comfort us.

"I'm not worried they'll get away in the blizzard, I'm worried that they won't," I said.

"They're not gonna die in this blizzard, if we know anything we know that zuko never gives up, they'll survive, and we'll find them," Sokka replied to me.

As much as I wanted to believe him, I was having a hard time doing so. How could Zuko be this stupid. I thought he was smart, I thought he planned things through. He's impulsive maybe, but smart.

Minutes passed, minutes and minutes. I'm sure even hours had past of us flying blindly through the snow filled air. The sun had finished it's circle over us and the moon was making its way through the sky. I held Appa's reigns tightly. Katara, Sokka and Yue hadn't been talking, they were busy squinting through the snow at the ground. Looking for any sign of either of them.

I felt any hope I had slipping away.

Then, through all the snow and icy wind I saw a bright blue light fly over our heads and fly down through the opening of a cave far off to our right. The color was similar to the color of Aang's glowing eyes and tattoos.

That's gotta be him.

"Look!" Katara yelled pointing to it, "That's gotta be Aang!" I yelled and had Appa make a swift right to the cave, Appa however, was already doing so.

The snow got lighter and lighter, almost disappearing as the we got closer to the cave. That's when I saw Aang fly out the mouth of the cave, wrapped in rope and then Zuko run out after him.

Appa got faster and faster and then slid down into the snow, just steps away from Zuko and Aang.

"Appa!" Aang yelled once he saw us.

Zuko caught my eye, glancing from the bandage to Katara, who had jumped off.

"Here for a rematch!" Zuko yelled at her, "Trust me Zuko, it won't be much of a match." Katara replied and then knocked him out quickly by submerging him in the freezing snow. I jumped off of Appa and Sokka followed close behind me, we ran over to Aang and untied his ropes.

"Hey this is some quality rope." Sokka said lifting up the rope.

"Are you okay?" Aang asked me glancing at the bandage. I assured him I was fine with a nod and he dropped it even though I literally thought the pain was going to push the bandage off my face.

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