Chapter 38: Eruption

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Okay nevermind comments just cause me more anxiety😐

Bored bored bored bored bored.

It had been quite a while and Katara was still in the fortune teller house, not to mention Aang and Sokka were nowhere to be found. I pulled out the journal from my bag and flipped through it. It had been awhile since I had read an entry. I think the last time was when we were entering Jet's forest. The next one went like this,

My baby girl, don't let Violence get in they way of your peace, don't let anger get in the way of your actions and don't let war get in the way of your heart. My little Airbender, Isabelle.

I read the next few words of the next entry and decided not to get into that. Putting the book back in my bag I laid down on the bench. I closed my eyes. Hopefully we could leave soon, I'm excited to get to the north pole, have Aang learn waterbending.

"Wow, I just love the predictions." I heard a voice talk over me, I didn't need to open my eyes to know it was one hundred percent Katara. "I'm sure you do." I gave a simple reply. "Do you think she'd do it again." Katara replied and even though it sounded like a question it probably wasn't. "Didn't you just have on-" I started, I had opened my eyes and sat up but I saw Katara already pounding on the poor ladies door.

After awhile of being ignored she walked back over to me, "Can you believe she won't let me in?" Katara said, this being a question, I think. "Just unbelievable." I humored her.

Then I saw Aang and Sokka walking over to us, or running, they were covered in sweat. "Hey Bella, Katara." Aang panted. "Aunt Wu was wrong about the volcano." Sokka said to us getting straight to the point. "Sokka, you tried to convince me she was wrong before, it's gonna take an awful lot to change my mind." Katara immediately to Aunt Wu's defence.

Instantly the ground shook and the volcano roared. I sat up from the bench, giving a terrified look to them. "Oh no." katata exclaimed. We ran up to the crowd gathered in the middle and Sokka started screaming once again, "Everyone, that volcano is gonna blow any second! Aunt Wu was wrong!" He yelled. The villagers however, had passive faces showing no signs of worry towards the volcano's shaking. "Yeah yeah, we know you don't believe in Aunt Wu, Mr. Science and reasons lover." One of the villagers exclaimed. Katara stepped forwards, "If you won't listen to him then listen to me, I want to believe Aunt Wu as much as you do but my brother and Aang saw the lava with their own eyes." Katara said to them. "Well I heard Aunt Wu's prediction with my own ears." Another villager said. The volcano roared again. "Please listen to us, you are all in danger. And we have to get out of here, we can't rely on Aunt Wu's predictions." Aang yelled into the crowd and another boom came from behind us.

The villagers were still unfazed.

"They're not listening." I said to them, we were now gathered in a group. "They just won't listen to reason." Katara said. "But they will listen to Aunt Wu!" Aang said in a surprisingly happy tone. "I know, that's the problem!" Sokka said to Aang, not understand why that was a happy thing. "Well it's about to become the solution, first we need to borrow Aunt Wu's cloud reading book and then we can bend the clouds into the shape we want." Aang said gesturing to him and Katara.

We agreed to the plan and were now waiting outside the fortune tellers door for Aang to come out with the book. After a couple minutes he came out, the volcano had gotten pretty bead. Thick black smoke was spewing out the top of it and the roaring was getting louder. Though the village still seemed unfazed.

Him and Katara climbed onto Appa and rose into the sky, being careful not to let anybody see them. They climbed high into the sky and flew right through the clouds, in seconds the clouds were moving faster than they usually would. They moved and moved until they started to look somewhat like a skull. It looked more and more like a skull and then I saw Appa descending through the clouds.

Aang and Katara met with Sokka and I and we ran to get Aunt Wu as phase two of the plan.

Once we had grabbed a hold of her Sokka immediately brought her to the middle of the town, ignoring her questioning comments. "There's something happening in the clouds." Sokka said pointing up, "That's weird it shouldn't- Oh my!" She noticed the clouds that formed the skull.

The people gathered in the middle of the town started to panic, they were screaming and crying. "We could still save the village if we act fast, if any of you are earthbenders, come with me!" Aang yelled after the noise of a crying crowd and roaring volcano. Some people started to follow Aang towards the volcano and Sokka and Katara led the rest of the people. Our plan was to build a deep enough trench so all the lava would fall in and then pour out on the sides.

There's probably a low chance of this actually working, but Aang was going to try anyway.


Soon we had bended and dug a pretty deep trench that clung to the sides of the village. The roaring of the volcano was loud enough to where you couldn't hear normal levels of talking and if you squinted hard enough you could see lava bubbling at the top of the volcano.

Why did we come here again?

"Everyone needs to evacuate." Aang yelled over the sounds. I helped the villagers get out since I didn't have much else to do and then returned to Aang, Sokka and Katara who were staring at the volcano, not at what you would call a safe distance.

The volcano started to erupt, hot lava pouring out of the mouth of the volcano. Loud splashes coming out the top. The air was instantly engulfed in heat. The lava poured down the side of the mountain, burning down trees in its path. When it reached the trench we had dug it started to rise extremely quickly, it had been seconds and it was halfway full, more and more lava was pouring out the top of the volcano. "It's too much, it's gonna overflow!" Katara yelled. Even more poured out the top and Katara and Sokka started to fall back. Aang stayed put though, I did the same. "Bella get back!" Aang said to me. Ok nevermind.

Once Katara, Sokka and I were out of his way even more lava slid down the side and was coming for Aang. The moment it got near his feet he used his staff and airbending to lift all the lava up, it incased the trench line in wall and just as it was about to fall on Aang he used his airbending and turned to the lava to rock. He placed his hands near his waist and closed his eyes, as a way of switching from power to calm.

"Man, sometimes I forget what a powerful bender that kid is." Sokka thought out loud.

It triggered a memory in my head but I couldn't figure it out.

"What did you say?" I asked him so he could clarify.

"Just that Aang is one powerful bender." Sokka said.

The man you're going to marry, I can see that he's a very powerful bender.

Oh my god. 

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