Chapter 19: Solstice

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After we left Haru's village we were finally back on track. On our way to the northern water tribe. Aang was driving Appa and Sokka, katara and I were hanging out in the saddle. It was a beautiful day, we were right above the fluffy white cloud and green grass, and not only that but the sky was the bluest it has even been, it was bliss.

"Those clouds look so soft don't they? Like you could just jump down and you'd land in a big soft cottony heap." Katara thought out loud. "Maybe you should give it a try." Sokka said. "I'll try it!" Aang yelled. He jumped off of Appa's head, letting go of the reins, and flew down through the clouds, laughing all the way. He used his glider, flew up around Appa, and landed on the other side of the saddle. He was soaking wet. "Turns out clouds are made of water..." He said. I was about to laugh something black in the grass cut my eye. I leaned over the edge of the saddle, there has a big patch of black grass. "What is that?" I asked them, they leaned over too and had no idea what they were looking at. "I'll land." Aang said.

Once we had landed I saw that it has black sticks all stuck in the ground, they were once trees. They ground has grey, poisoned with smoke. "This is terrible." I said to myself. "Listen, there's no life anywhere." Sokka said. Aang has ahead of me and being silent. "Aang? Are you okay?" I asked him. Sokka then yelled. "Fire Nation! Those evil savages make me sick!" He said. I turned to see what he has looking at. There were multiple footprints in the dust of fire nation boots. Aang sighed and sat down. I walked up next to him. "Why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?" Aang said. "Aang, You didn't let this happen it has nothing to do with you." I said trying to comfort him. "Yes it does, It's the avatar's job to protect nature but I don't know how to do my job." Aang said. "That's why we're going to the North Pole, to find you a teacher." I said to him. "Yeah, a waterbending teacher, but there's no one to teach me how to be the avatar." Aang said. "Monk Gyatso said that Avatar Roku would help me." Aang said again. "The Avatar before you?  how is he supposed to help he died over 100 years ago" Katara said. "I don't know." Aang said.

I looked around for something to cheer him up. I scanned the forest floor In my eyes, onto something brown that momo was playing with. I picked up a couple and held them in my hand. "Hey Aang, ready to be cheered up?" I asked him. "No." Was his reply. I threw one of them at his neck. "Ow! How is that cheering me up?" Aang said. Sokka laughed, "Cheered me up!" He said. I threw one at him as well. "These acorns are everywhere Aang." I said to Aang now. I sat down in front of him and held out my hands. "That means the forest will grow back, Every one of these will be a tall oak tree one day and all the birds and animals lived here will come back." I said and for added effect I put one in his hand. He smiled. "Thanks Bella." He said.

"Who are you?" I heard Katara say. I looked up and I saw an older man walking towards us, he had a walking stick and a ripped up robe. "When I saw the flying bison, I thought it was impossible, but those markings..." The old man said to us, walking closer. "Are you the Avatar child?" He asked Aang. Aang nodded hesitantly. "My village desperately needs your help." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. "We can't talk here, follow me." He said. He started walking through the trees. We glanced looks at each other but decided to follow him all the way through the broken forest to a small village that looked even worse than Haru's, and that's saying a lot. I didn't see anyone anywhere and the houses looked like they were smashed by giants. The man led us through the village, not saying word and then he stopped at a bigger building that looked somewhat in tact. He threw open the doors and I saw about 50 people in that room. A younger looking man walked up to us first. "So, the rumors of your return are true, it is truly an honor to be in your presence." The man said, talking to Aang. "Nice to meet you too." Aang said.

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