Chapter 92: The Awakening

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(Third Person POV)

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(Third Person POV)

The moon followed the Fire Nation ship, sending navy waves that crashed and fought against the steel.

Katara took in a breath of sea air and relaxed. They'd had a calm and simple time after the events in the crystal catacombs of Ba Sing Se, she was smart enough to hold onto peace when she got it. Because she knew that soon, things wouldn't be so simple. There was a storm building up, and not one she could help calm with bending. One that would make or break Team Avatar.

So she stood at the edge of the ship. Pressing against the railing and leaning out towards the sea, feeling the ocean's energy. Watching the waves crash and be replaced by younger ones.

"Hey Katara! You gonna have some of this or what?"

Or at least, she was relaxing.

She pulled herself away from the edge and went to sit down with Sokka and Toph, who were generously helping themselves from a steaming pot of rice.

"Where's Bella?" Katara asked her brother.

"'Er chambers," A couple of grains spit from his mouth and Katara scowled at him.

Katara knew her sister had been having a rough time. She revealed herself in Ba Sing Se but Aang fell unconscious. As the days pass by she's become more and more worrisome of when he finally awakes.

It's only a matter of time now.

All three of them turned their heads when they heard someone coming their way. Bella smiled and sat down between Katara and Sokka, taking a bowl herself.

She'd grown a bit paler over the last few days. Again: It's only a matter of time. Aang could wake up now or in another few weeks. The healings had been going well, it couldn't be more than a few weeks.

Bella had also been bending freely now, little things mostly. But she's just as inexperienced as Katara had been back home. Using her common sense, Bella can do some. But her bending compared to Aang's is that of a pebble to a cliff.

In order to properly bend as an airbender she'd need a teacher.

Katara was overjoyed at the thought of her sister reaching her true potential, while Bella was terrified at the thought of asking Aang anything remotely like that.

The four of them ate in peace until once again another bounding pair of footsteps turned their heads to the entrance of the ship's cabin.

Bella nearly jumped at the sight of Aang and dropped her bowl of rice.

Katara, Toph and Sokka ran over to hug him.

He had fallen to the ground and was using his staff to pull himself up. His entire torso and right arm were bandaged and he'd grown quite a lot of black hair.

Katara saw Bella slip down below deck under the cover of the night.

"Aang, you're awake!" Katara called as everyone gathered around him.

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