Chapter 93: Tiny Choices

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After things calmed down and no one seemed to have been severely injured by the whole ordeal, we made a collective decision to stop at the nearest Earth Kingdom village and get some food

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After things calmed down and no one seemed to have been severely injured by the whole ordeal, we made a collective decision to stop at the nearest Earth Kingdom village and get some food. As well as to complete some minor repairs on the engine. Coincidentally, the nearest town was also the same one we'd visited months ago where the pirates attacked us.

We docked the ship next to all the little wooden fishing boats.

Because the Fire Nation wasn't occupying the town, we had no need to appear Fire Nation. Most of the people don't care enough to report suspicious behavior, especially because they think the Avatar is dead. Hope is at an all time low.

But it's useful information, so if Aang was going to come with us to get food, he'd need a headband and a cloak. His hair does the rest of the covering. And he probably shouldn't walk around with his staff either.

He's not going to like it at all.

Katara, Toph and Sokka opened the door to his room and went in.

I stayed outside the room and rested against the wall. Hopefully, as we go about planning the invasion with Hakoda, I'll be able to let the dust settle and then go back to the original plan where I effectively apologize for ruining everything.

"Hey, Aang. We're going into town to find some dinner."

"Well I am pretty hungry. Maybe dinner's a good idea," I heard Aang reply.

"Here, tie this around your head. It'll cover your arrow."

"I'm not going out if I can't wear my arrow proudly."

Maybe we did make a mistake. Leaving the world in hopeless shambles and Aang upset doesn't sound great. We could've spread it around the Earth Kingdom that he was alive and there was still hope, but it would've reached the Fire Nation. If Azula had any sense of doubt that she hadn't finished the job, she'd track us down again. And this time it wouldn't just have been Azula, Ty Lee and Mai. Zuko would come to. Even with the disguise and the Water Tribe warriors, we wouldn't survive an attack by all four of them. Especially now that they're seamless allies; there's no rift between Zuko and Azula.

No. We did what we had to do. Maybe if Zuko had made a different choice we'd feel safe enough to keep hope alive.

But then again, if Zuko hadn't made the choice that he did, I wouldn't have made my own.

Funny how tiny choices impact the entirety of the world.

"Aang, come on. Be practical."

This time I heard Katara speak, "You guys go ahead without us. We'll catch up with you."

Sokka and Toph left the room and motioned for me to follow them.

We didn't have any choice. It had to be this way. I just hope Aang can learn to live with it.

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