Chapter 12- Do You Have Any Leads?

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The lunch bell just rang, so Braiden and I left for AP Chemistry. Sadly, nobody from lunch had it with us, but Stella in Claire are in my class afterwards. We are able to find the room pretty easily because it was just around the corner from the cafeteria.

When we walk into the room the teacher at the desk looks anything but teacher quality. He's looks around thirty years old and is fairly muscular. There are tattoos peeking out of the sleeves on his wrist and neck. One of them that jumps out at me is the strange symbol that coils around his finger. It's a simpler outline of a cobra with the letters DM inside. (Dean Meade)

His dark brown almost black eyes meet mine as we walk towards the front of he room. There's an evil glint to them that causes a shiver to go down my spine. He never breaks eye contact, but I pretend to act timid and shuffle to the front of the room with Braiden not far behind.

"Hello Miss Andrews." He coldly states, crossing his arms over his chest.

How did he even know my name if I've never met him before?

"Hi, my name's Bailey and you are?" I send him the best heart warming smile I can muster.

"Mr. Meade." He replies while looking me up and down. Pervert.

Braiden catches on and clears his throat which turns Mr. Meades attention to him.

"Did you want something?" Mr. Meade asks him coldly, making the scowl on Braiden's face grow.

"Well," he begins while stepping in front of me, "my friend and I would like to know where are seats are."

This makes the teacher look even annoyed than before he gestures to the room. There are two open seats right next to each other in the back, and one in the front.

"Hmm," he looks from me to Braiden then smirks, "why don't you sit there Mr. Brooks." He points to the seat in the back of the room. "And you may sit right here in the front, that way I'll have a good view. Of your work of course."

The guy winks at me, winks! Who does he think he is?

Just as I'm about to slam his face into the desk, Braiden wraps an arm around my waist. "Bathroom break in ten." He whispers in my ear then walks to his seat.

I ignore the tingles from his touch and take my seat also. The lesson starts and Mr. Meade constantly stares at me. It seems to be the longest ten minutes of my life, but luckily Braiden finally raises his hand.

"Sir, may I use the bathroom?" He politely asks, pretending to act like he really has to go.

"Fine," he snaps, "but make it quick."

Braiden nods and then exits the room. I wait a couple minutes so it doesn't seem as suspicious, then shoot my hand into the air.

"What is it, Bailey?" He asks, clearly irritated.

"Um, could I go to the restroom please?" I squeak, keeping my eyes down.

"I can't let you do that. You must wait until your little friend comes back." He snidely remarks, like he knows that I don't actually have to go.

"Well, ya see," I explain causing kids to look at me, "my little friend," I point to my bag, "has come to visit me."

He looks confused so I continue.

"It's this thing that comes once a month for most girls where my uterus starts shedding it lining because it wanted a baby, but I didn't do the deed, so it didn't get one. Now there's blood gushing out of me and I would appreciate if you would allow me to leave. Unless you don't mind getting your chairs a bit dirty." I keep my face as innocent as possible and try to hold back my laughter.

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