Chapter 39 - Epilogue

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Last Chapter!!! Oh my goshhh, guys I'm almost in tears!!! TGGS has come to an end and I'm happy with the way everything went. Hopefully you guys are too. I've been writing this for around 9 months now, and have really come to love all of the adventures the characters have been on. Some of them were hard to write, due to the fact that they were so different than me. Thankfully, I've never experienced abuse, so that made it hard to write some of the harsher chapters. There were other characters, like Ryan and Mikey, who were easier to create because they're similar to me. Thank you for supporting the characters, plot, and me throughout this journey. Your comments and votes are what helped me write and complete this book. Trust me, there were times when I was going to give up, but I couldn't let you guys down like that. Remember, all of you matter so much, and are worth more than you'll ever know!!! I love each and every one of you, and hope that you can take something from this book. Remember to be there for someone who needs a shoulder to cry on, you could save a life just by complimenting someone, or listening to them if they have no one else there for them. Love you all from the bottom of my heart and thank you. Let's make this book a bestseller lol, (it won't happen, but a girl can dream) Enjoy the epilogue!!!! Love you all, Lauren ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Completed 07/31/18

Six Months Later

I sit down between Marsha and Simon at the dinner table with a smile on my face. They started dating not long after finding Damien, and I'm pretty sure marriage is in their future. Mikey is sitting across from me, pushing the mashed potatoes around on his plate like a little kid who hates vegetables. Alice, my girl best friend, is sitting next to him and sharing all kinds of boyfriends girlfriend jokes. You guessed it, they're dating and are super cute together. Stella and Claire are texting away on their phones, but probably are talking to each other... My grandma is also beside me, smiling at all the happiness surrounding her. It's almost like we have our own little family.

Someone's hands come over my eyes and I smile, knowing Braiden is behind me. Our relationship is stronger than ever, and we're getting closer every day.

"Happy Birthday, Ry." He whispers in my ear and I shiver.

"Thank you." I whisper back, placing a soft kiss on his cheek due to the fact that we're in front of everyone.

He takes the chair across from me and won't stop staring, but I try to ignore the smirk on his face.

Since Jackson... left us... Simon's taken over the L.U.X. and things are going wonderfully. We've started a training program for younger kids so they can learn how to defend themselves if they're put in dangerous situations. One little girl named Baretta is definitely a fighter, and I've come to really love her.

So far, the agency is on a little break, as there aren't any big problems right now, but that obviously won't last long.

Braiden's mom is still in the picture. She healed and moved in to a small apartment and has stopped the drugs. She and Braiden are trying to mend what's left of their relationship, which in my eyes is amazing.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Ready to open your presents?!" Marsha squeals, pushing a purple box with black stripes towards me.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I grin, meeting her smiling face along with Simon, Michael's and my grandmas.

"Oh shush, it's your eighteenth birthday, now open!"

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