Chapter 17- Getting Ready

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As I'm walking out of the school Riley appears beside me.

"You're still coming tonight, right?"

"Yup, 8:00 your house."

"Great! See you then." He pulls me into a bone crushing hug, but I quickly push him off.

A tiny smirk creeps across his face and I follow his eyes to see what he's looking at. They meet Braiden's who is standing there, crossing his arms and sending Riley the death glare. I can't believe Riley did that to make him jealous. What an ass.

I try to walk over to Braiden and explain what happened, but he's already getting in the car. Just as I'm about to run after it, he speeds out of the parking lot. Anger runs through my veins, but is then replaced by sadness. He didn't even wait for me, just left.

Looks like I'm walking then. I slowly drag my feet across the pavement when a heap of blonde hair whirs past my face. Of course it's Alice, who is now screaming "piggyback ride!" She jumps on my back, but I don't grab onto her legs quick enough, causing her to land on the ground with a thud. Her face contorts in pain, but it's hard to focus due to the fact that I'm trying extremely hard to contain my laughter.

"Stop laughing at me." She pouts, standing up and rubbing her butt.

"I-I'm not-" laughter courses through my body when the image of her hitting the concrete flashes through my mind again.

"Haha, it was so hilarious." She says in a flat tone. "Hey everyone, I'm Bailey and I laugh at other people's pain!"

People give us weird looks as they pass which is quite understandable due to the fact that I'm laughing like a dying walrus and Alice is screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Shut up!" Some guy I don't recognize shouts, which causes my laughter and Alice's shouting to die down.

"What crawled up his- hey, you're a teacher!" She sounds surprised and flips him off when he isn't looking. "Anyways, we should get going."

At first I'm not sure what she means, but then I remember that I'm going to her house to get ready for the party tonight.

Hooray. Did you catch the extreme sarcasm there?

"Oh yeah, about that, I um- I have to," I'm sitting here stammering like an idiot while she's raising an eyebrow at me.

"You what? There's no backing out of this one, Bailey. Now come on, I'm getting cold!" Her hand latches onto my arm as she drags me over to her car.

For a girl who likes to watch a lot of Netflix she's surprisingly strong. She brutally shoves me into the passenger seat then slams the door.

"I feel violated." I tell her, crossing my arms over the "Nerd" logo on my shirt.

"Well too bad. Now come on, how do I get to your house?"

Panic surges through me from her question. "I thought we were going to yours?"

"Well, don't you need to pick up anything and tell your parents where you're going?" Her face turns into one of confusion when I wince at the mention of my dad. "It's okay, we don't have to."

I quickly mask my frown with a smile then turn to her. "No that's okay, I want to drop off my book bag anyway."

She nods her head then starts the car.

"Alright, so it's around a half and hour away. Here, I'll turn on my GPS." I press the 'start route' button on my phone and rest my head back into the seat.

Alice talks enough for the both of us on the way there, which is fine by me because I don't really like talking. At all. My eyes start to flutter closed just as we jerk to a stop causing them to shoot back open.

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