Chapter 19- The Torture Begins

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A tear rolls down my cheek as the knife drags tantalizingly slow across my upper thigh.

"Ryan, I thought you were smarter than this. Didn't you know I've been following you the whole time? I mean, Forever 21 should have been the first clue." He says barring his teeth at me in a wicked grin.

The only thing that leaves my mouth is a small whimper because my mind is flooding with flashbacks of the same thing that happened with my father.

"Answer me!" Ian snarls causing spit to fly from his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry, you didn't ask me-" I'm cut off by a shrill cry ripping through my throat.

My eyes travel down to the spot of pain only to find the small pocketknife embedded in my skin about a half-inch deep. There's now a tear in my black, leather pants and blood is trickling down my leg onto the floor.

"If you don't want that to happen again I suggest you keep your mouth shut." His lips twist into a snarky grin that I want to slap off.

A hollow bang comes from outside the door, but Ian's too noticed on me to hear it. Discretely I glance out the window and try to see into the darkness. Movement flits across them and as I look further my eyes meet Braiden's. I'm about to shout for help until he puts a finger to his lips for me to be quiet. After that he motions for me to create a distraction so that he can get inside.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Ian shouts turning his head.

This is my time to take action or Braiden will never get me out.

"Ya know," his head snaps around when he hears my raspy voice, "you're nothing but a coward. If you're such a 'big deal', then why are you taking orders from a someone else? I mean, you couldn't even kill me, which was the one job you had."

My head snaps to the side and a loud ringing follows. Stars appear in front of my eyes, which I quickly try to blink away. "Shut up!" He shouts, circling me like an animal does with its prey.

"Why, can't handle it?" I retort, immediately wanting to take it back.

Without another word he storms over, grabs the handle of the knife and twists it around. A murderous scream cuts through the air, and I squeeze my eyes shut to prevent the tears from coming. My leg feels as though someone lit it on fire, burning all the way down to my toes. It doesn't work and they pour out anyways. Just as he's about to punch me, the door blows open and Braiden is standing there, gun in hand, pointing it directly at Ian.

"Cut her loose!" He shouts, keeping the gun trained on him the whole time. "Now!"

The faintest shadow of a smile forms on Ian's face as he walks over to cut me free. Once the ropes are broken, I jump up and try to run over to Braiden for safety. Instead I'm ripped back and the cool metal of a gun presses into my back.

"Now, you have two options: Number one; take her place and I shoot you instead or Number two; I do the same thing to you as what happened to her pathetic mother.What'll it be?" My eyes go wide with fear at the thought of Braiden being shot, lying there lifeless.

The fear turns to anger as soon as he mentions my mother. No-one gets to talk about her that way. Ever. All I see is red and my fighting senses take over. Without thinking I bring my uninjured leg back and ram it between his legs as hard as I can. This catches him off guard, causing him to keel over in pain. It works every time.

Dragging myself over to Braiden, who's already out the door and in the woods, is not an easy task when there's a knife in my leg. I grit my teeth before grabbing on and ripping it out, causing a jolt of electricity to shoot through it, then continue making my way over to him. He's about to pick me up when a shot rings through the air and Braiden stumbles back, crashing to the ground. A set of painful groans leave his mouth as he lays on the cold, hard ground.

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