Chapter 34 - Firsts

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I'm back!!! Hello everyone, I've missed you all soooo much! How have you guys been doing lately? Things have been pretty hectic lately and I haven't had a lot of inspiration, but the recent votes and comments have really lifted my spirits. I can't wait to publish more chapters and hope you guys enjoy this one! Please remember to read, vote, and comment! I'll be posting again next week. Love you all, have a great week!❤️❤️❤️

Silence hangs in the air as we rush back to the agency and I'm completely lost in the thoughts that are whirring through my brain. The fact that whoever has been tracking me and has been able to get this close sends shivers down my spine and causes goose-bumps to erupt over my arms. Whoever it is definitely knows what they're doing, especially since we're all trained workers.

I bring my hand up to my mouth and pick at the skin on my lip; something I do whenever I feel anxious. Braiden's hand snatches it away and envelops mine in his own, throwing a somber smile my way. I do my best to mask my nerves, returning with a smile of my own.

The car rolls into the compounds parking lot, and we crawl out quickly, rushing to the A.O.C or Area of Confinement. When we swing open the door Jackson is standing next to Mr. Meade who is wide awake. The two of them are whispering, deep in conversation and definitely friendly with each other.

"What are you two doing?" Braiden growls, watching the two with a raised eyebrow.

Immediately Jackson's eyes snap up to meet ours and a look of panic flashes through them.

"Ryan. Braiden." He acknowledges, "I was just questioning Dean here about Damien. "

I try to ignore the anger surging through me when I hear Damien's name. He's the reason behind everything bad that's been happening and I'm starting to get fed up with it all.

"What exactly did you find out?" I question, stepping closer.

"Well," he begins, exiting the room and locking Mr. Meade inside, "Damien is close and getting impatient that he doesn't have his hands on you yet, Ryan. Dean says he doesn't know the location, but he's the closest man to Damien, so I highly doubt that he doesn't know. We just have to keep him here until he talks."

I nod my head curtly in response, worrying more when he says Damien is close and getting impatient.

"Alright, we'll have to find out the location soon. I don't want Ryan getting hurt because we're unprepared." Braiden harshly responds, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulders.

Jackson raises an eyebrow at the two of us in suspicion, glancing between Braiden's arm and my shoulder.

"Is there something going on here?" He asks, "because I think both of you know that work relationships are not allowed in this compound."

My heart starts beating rapidly when I remember the rule that was ingrained into our heads since the day we got here. I gulp down the nervousness and bring my eyes up to meet Jackson's stare, but in the process notice a small black marking peaking out from the collar of his shirt. Squinting my eyes to get a better look, I try to make out the marking I've never noticed before.

He follows my gaze, quickly realizing what it is I'm trying to see and yanks his shirt over it almost immediately.

"Is that understood?" He demands, and I take a second to remember he's talking about the dating thing.

"Yup. Loud and clear." I remark, trying to keep the snark in my voice down to a low level.

"Alright then. Now, in exactly two weeks, we're going to put Ryan out as Bait. I need to get more details from Dean on location and see if he can get into contact with Damien. That's when we'll catch him."

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