3. Adam

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Chapter 3


A song I heard once said "Envy, Is a sign of admiration. Hate, Is the epitome of destruction".

And until now I know what it meant, admiring someone is something good until it becomes an obsession and you start to envy that person.

Once you envy that person you start hating that person and you want to destroy that person, and as the song says, hate is the epitome of destruction.

And this was the epitome of my destruction.

I've been sitting here, tied to a chair in what seems to be a basement or lair, for about 5 hours. Well that's just a hypothesis of time.

Nobody has come to see me, I don't know who took me but I have my suspicions.


He sent people to get me.

He was looking for me and he found me.

Why didn't he just come for me, I would've gone willingly to execute my plan.

He didn't have to roffie me and tie me to a fucking chair.

"Oh princess you're awake" I hear a voice say.

I look up and see a shadow, an unknown shadow.

Adam is not the one who took me, how do I know?

My wolf is not going crazy, it's not chanting like the way it was when I met him.

I was scared, he wasn't Adam and I don't know him.

What was he gonna do with me?

Kill me?

"Who are you!?" I scream.

"Oh honey you may not know me but your mate does" he says. "And he owes me a lot".

He turns on the light and I see him, Alpha Daniel, from the blue sea pack.

I remember I saw him one day a few years ago, talking to Alpha Sam.

I didn't speak to him but I remember talking to his son, at the time we were both 8 years old, so we played until he had to leave.

Us being kids, we didn't comprehend the conversations during that time. We were in our own little world of fantasy.

"You know who I am right?" He asks as if remembering the day we somewhat met.

"How did you know about me and Adam!?"

"A little birdie told me, a little traitor wolf from your pack. So you had a plan? Well sorry to burst your bubble but it was a plan set for destruction, you were gonna be stuck with him forever. You've been screwed since the beginning" he said.

I just found my mate and everyone is against me now?

Great, just great.

"Jason," I said.

"Yes, exactly that little bitch told me everything. You know he hates you right? He told me about you and Adam, about your plan and about where you were. He just isn't trustworthy, he's a loser. He just can't keep his mouth shut, so I took it to my advantage" he said while grabbing me by the cheeks harshly.

Anger was the only thing that I felt, I wasn't scared or sad. I was angry and not at Adam or Daniel, but at Jason.

Was I really that stupid to let him hear my plan?

He has always hated me.

"We have a problem" I hear his phone say, he lets go of my cheeks that are now sore after being grabbed by that.

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