16. Rogue pack

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Chapter 16
Rogue pack

I look at the pack and see many people, girls, boys, men and women. Different age ranges and from different packs.

"I was from the Dark Purity pack" a woman said, she was holding a young boy, age 6.

The Dark Purity pack, also known as Adam's pack. The most powerful pack in the world, with the youngest Alpha and a slutty Luna.

"I am from there too" I heard a man say.

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

People from the Dark Purity pack started coming out until the last one talked.

"Where are you from?" I hear a young boy from the age of 13 asked.

"I am, well was the future Luna of the Dark Purity pack" I announce. I heard a crowd gasp all at the same time and I let out a sigh.

"I am Astrid, Adam's mate, he betrayed and rejected me!" I announce once again. "I will join this pack to fight versus the Dark Purity pack and the Grey Moon pack, I shall be your leader!".

They all scream in agreement and I decide to prepare for battle. Not only have I been betrayed by my packs but I was also lied to by the people I love. This calls for war, and I shall lead us to victory.


After hearing various stories of different packs I realized that they didn't get kicked out but they decided to leave. Everyone here had a different story and that's what made us all united and unique. Some wanted to fight but most of them didn't and Gus didn't get that but I did.

"Hi Astrid" I hear a little girl say below me. I look down and see her petite figure, and her wide eyes and smile.

"Hi" I answer.

She looks down at floor and says, "I don't want my mommy to fight".

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't want her to die" she said sadly.

At the sound of those words coming out of this little girl's mouth hurt me. Was I sending these people to their deaths? Was I sending myself to my death? Was I going to die? Forget me, will my people going to die?

I take a look around and see everyone who is around me. Woman carrying their children as if it was a last goodbye, I can't do this. I can't.


"Everybody up" I hear Gus scream to us. I look at the clock and it marked 12 midnight.

We start heading to the woods and after an hour I smell a certain smell, Adam, Jeremy and Jackson. I start feeling dizzy and I collapse to the floor. I see many rogues coming towards me.

I wake up and I'm in the woods surrounded by people. I get up from the floor and see that I'm not alone. I look around and see two packs coming  me from opposite sides. I take a look to my left and see my new pack. I turn to my right and see Adam's pack and my pack. I look at Adam and see Esme clinging to him, I turn to Jeremy and see Sarah clinging to him. I growl and felt my blood boil. I turn to my new pack, my rogue pack and walk towards them.

'No! Astrid stop! Only you can stop this!' I hear Sam yell.

At that moment I remembered what had been happening. I have been allied with them to kill Adam and Jeremy. They betrayed me, my best friend and mate.

I remember the little girls words, she doesn't want anyone to die. I don't want anyone to die either.

"Astrid stop!" I hear Jeremy yell. I feel my blood boil and let out a growl.

"Piss off!" I growl and see him flinch.

"Astrid baby" I hear Adam beg.

"I'm not your baby!" I exclaim angrily. "You betrayed me! You married her!".

"I did but I love you!" He said truthfully. I stare into his eyes and then hear Gus whisper into my ear, "he's lying and you know that".

I let out a growl and realized that he was using me. Yes he was my real father but he barely knew me, I was raised by Sam and Dan, Dan my father and I am not like him. I won't seek revenge, no matter how bad they hurt me. I won't be like him, he lost his pack and he's basically forcing these people into battle and I won't follow his steps. I will make my own, I will be the leader I was meant to be but I won't be a harsh leader I will be a role model to everyone.

"No, he's not" I whisper.

"What do you mean?" Gus gasped. "He's lying! Declare war!".

"No!" I say once again. "These people are innocent, they don't want to fight".

"They left their pack for a reason!" He exclaimed.

"But it wasn't this reason" I say with power in my voice.

They all stared at me and I turn around to see Adam.

"We will not fight, but just because we won't fight doesn't mean we are surrendering! We just came to our senses!" I say. I take a look at Adam and see his chocolate eyes and his big proud smile. I smile back and turn back to my new pack. They had to go back to their old pack, I don't want them as rogues.

"Go, find your old pack! You all don't deserve to be rogues, you all need a family!" I announce to the pack, as soon as they heard that many people went towards the woods.

I turn to see Agustus' reaction and he was angry, I turn around to see Adam with pleading eyes. As soon as I turn towards Agustus he launched towards me. I fell to the ground and tried getting out of his grasp, I see Adam, Jackson and Jeremy running towards us. It was too late, I felt him shift on top of me and felt his claws digging into my abdomen. Adam tackles him down and I can't move, I can't breathe and I can't think. As soon as Jackson grabs my hand and tries to take my pain away he panics.

"I can't! Why can't I?" He panics.

"I don't feel no pain" I let out. He looks at me with sad eyes.

I decide to count to 10 backwards, this will calm me down.


"I can't. I can't " I hear Jackson say.


"Wake up, Astrid wake up" I hear Adam pleading.


I feel Adam hug me and cradle me in his arms.


"Astrid, don't close your eyes"






"I love you, Astrid" I hear Adam whisper.

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