21. The sadness in their eyes

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Chapter 21
The sadness in their eyes

A week has passed since Harry's death. Everyone has been mourning but Jackson and Adam haven't even gotten out of bed. I am currently half asleep cooking breakfast for the boys in bed. All I sleep is 2 or if I'm lucky 4 hours every night.

I finish cooking and lay the plate of eggs, a bowl of fruits, and an orange juice on a breakfast tray.

I walk up stairs to Jackson first since I need to wake up Adam still.

"I brought you breakfast" I say giving him the tray and picking up the half eaten tray from dinner. Jackson hasn't talked in so long and it's scaring me.

"How you feeling today?" I ask expecting just a nod.

"Better" he finally said.

I internally cheered and smiled a bit.

"Well I have to wake up the beast so I'll come back in an hour or so" I explain and he says bye, I leave the room.

I prepare a breakfast tray for Adam and walk upstairs. I walk into the room and leave the tray in the table next to the bed.

"Adam" I start shaking him.

He puts his hand in my face as if feeling it.

"Yes, me again" I say in a tired manner.

He sit up and stares at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Of course" I respond barely staying awake. My eyes were closing and I was trying to keep them open.

"Woah" He said reaching out to me, since my eyes had closed and I was gonna collapse.

"Come here" he said signaling me to go to bed. I get on the bed and cuddle next to him.

"Eat. Your. Breakfast." I mumble falling asleep. It has been the first time after a week that I had laid on a bed. I've been currently sleeping in the sofa downstairs to keep an eye on the boys.

He grabs the tray and starts eating.

"Tasty as always. Go to sleep" he said as he starts massaging my head.

In a matter of seconds, I was asleep.


"Wake up, I made lunch" I wake up to the sound of Jackson screaming.

I get up groaning and Adam does the same. We get up and drag ourselves to the kitchen.

"I made sandwiches" Jackson said excitedly. We sit down and eat. I noticed the sadness in their eyes, that sorrow, they had lost 1/4 of then and so have I. After eating I decide to take another nap.


I wake up and realize I am outside in the porch. I get up from the floor and walk to the garden, all I see is red roses with thorns. I grab one and try to be careful with the thorns and I fail. I wince to the pain of the thorn hitting my skin.

"Legend says that if you get stung by a thorn you will have bad luck" I hear a voice say. I quickly turn around and see someone I didn't expect, Geram.

I walk backwards slowly and he comes near me.

"I always thought you were beautiful Luna, but damn I didn't know you were fierce" he said.

I look at his figure and see a hole in his abdomen and one in his chest, blood was coming out of the holes and his mouth.

He suddenly spits on me and says, "You killed me beautiful Luna".

I keep walking backwards as if trying to get away but the farther away I tried the closer he got.

"Now, I'm going to kill you!!" He screams and launches himself at me.


"Wake up" I feel someone shaking me awake.

"Ahhhh" I let out a scream and cling to the person who woke me up crying. It was Adam.

"It's okay, you're okay" he confirms while brushing my hair with his hand.

I hug him tightly and let out a sigh.

"You were screaming in your sleep" He said worried.

"Sorry" I apologized.

"Have you been having nightmares recently?" He asked.

"I haven't even slept" I respond.

He looks at me with wide and worried eyes and let out a sigh.

"You should sleep" he said carrying me bridal style.

"I don't want to, I just had a horrible dream" I say.

"What was it?" He asks putting me on his silky and soft bed.

"Geram was going to kill me, in my dream and in real life" I say. "Harry sacrificed himself for me, It's my fault" i cry.

"It's not" he assures.

I let out a cry and hug him again, I lean in for a kiss and we start kissing.

Our lips moved in sync as if we knew exactly what tempo we were both on. His kisses trailed from my lips to my abdomen, sweet little kisses. I let out a groan and he kept going with the kisses until he reached up to my lips once again.

His hands roamed around my body as if admiring my shapes and curves. His hands stopped at the seam of my shirt. He looks at me as if asking for my permission. I nod and he yanks my shirt off, he looks at me and smiles proudly. I take off his shirt and my hands roam all over his toned chest.

A big smile spread across his face and I realized that he's everything I wanted and everything I needed. I just love this guy.

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