If Only I Could.

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Damion's POV.

I glanced out of the window of my office and saw some movement near the trees. It was 2.35 in the morning and no one was supposed to be out there at this point of time.

I took out a small blade walking out of my office. I walked as fast as I could towards the trees. Who would walk into the darkness leaving the carved path?

As I walked closer, I realised who it was.

Well, I should have known. This was something I could expect from her.

I had been acting on my decision since a week. Staying away from her. Ignoring her. Shutting her down as much as possible.

I couldn't afford to have weakness at this stage.

Yesterday, when she showed up at my office, all I wanted to do was hold her close to me. She was broken. And what I did?

I broke her more by my cold words. But I have to do this.

I can't. I just can't let her in.

It's too dangerous. For her and for me.

"You should not be out here at this point of time." I said as I walked closer to her. I felt her shoulders tensing but she didn't stop. She didn't turn. She kept walking.

I walked to her my footsteps falling with hers. My pace matching hers.

"I shouldn't have said that yesterday." I said surprising myself. I didn't want to say that.

I didn't want to talk to her.

I had stayed away since a weak and now, I was just loosing it all.This was crazy.She didn't say anything.

My hands moved forward to catch her wrist stopping her movements making her face me.Her eyes stayed on ground. She didn't look up.I wanted her to look up at me. I wanted her to read what I couldn't speak.I wanted her to gaze into my eyes fearlessly.

But she didn't.

I slightly tugged her wrist trying grab her attention. But she didn't look up.The girl is just too stubborn.I tugged again. This time, her eyes snapped up to meet mine. My looked into her eyes studying every emotion they were offering me.

I pulled her closer to me. Her breath hitched.

I wanted to tell her that I was sorry. That, I couldn't do this. That, I should not have done this. That, I had no other option.

But I stopped myself from saying all those things.

Her eyes showed sadness. They were not fearless as they were every time I looked into them. This was different. She was broken. And it killed me to know that I was the reason behind it.

That I did this to her.

The Empire could have war any moment. Erik and his men would attack any moment and I couldn't pull her in all this.

I never had a weakness and that made me unstoppable. If I give into my feelings, I would pull her into all these knowingly for my own selfish reasons, which was the last thing I wanted to do.

I did everything in me to keep myself away from her last week.

After yesterday, she blocked me out. She refused to acknowledge my presence at any cost and that didn't feel good.

I tried to be okay with it. But that didn't work.

I have been killing people without any patience since a week. The Demon is coming out more often.

I have broken many more things giving into anger.

Her brown eyes looked into mine asking me silently. I silently gave her the answers without speaking anything.

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