It Was The Time

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We drove back to the Wing in comfortable silence. She kept looking at me and I tried my best to concentrate on the road.

She wasn't making any efforts to hide her stares. And I loved that thing about her. She was comfortable in accepting whatever she was feeling. I didn't mind her looking at me at all. I was all hers to look at.

I pulled into the garage and she got out of the car. I did the same.

I rounded the car going at her side and smiled at her. I held her hand entwining our fingers and she stared down at them for a moment. I knew what she was thinking.

We walked to the wing. I dropped her to the room.

"I will be back in few hours Argyl. Stay in okay?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded.

One more thing I absolutely loved about her. She never questioned me. Never.

She would agree immediately to what I was saying. Not because she feared me. I knew she did not.

But because she trusted me. She knew I won't be doing anything that would ever harm her.

She trusted me.

I kissed her forehead smiling down at her and she closed her eyes momentarily.

I pulled back and she smiled walking into the room and closed the door behind her.

I closed my eyes for a moment blocking away all the thoughts in my mind.

I again felt the anger building inside me as I remembered today's incident.

I called Roger in my office and walked there thinking about the incident.

I opened the door to see him standing in there.

"Rey." He said bowing down his head and I nodded at him.

"They were not Erik's men." He said.

I raised a questioning eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The man you killed, he wasn't Erik's." He stated.

"Argyl killed." I corrected him.

He looked surprised for a moment but he recovered quickly.

"Right." He said.

He opened his phone showing me his picture.

"He didn't work for Erik."

I got hold of the phone from his hand.

The man had the bullet shot in his head. His brown eyes lifeless and blond hair falling on his face.

I stared at the picture trying to remember if I had ever seen him.

"Whom did he work for?" I asked Roger.

"I am still working on it Rey." He replied.

"Get me the information as soon as you can Roger." I said.

He nodded.

"The man that ran away?" I asked.

"I have sent Myron on his way. He will found him in no time." Roger replied.

"Ask him just to keep an eye on him.We don't need to drag him to the Dark Wing." I said and he nodded.

"What about Ken and Douglas?" I asked.

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