Chapter 3

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(Hey lovely readers! I hoped you enjoyed that last chapter, and I hope you'll enjoy this one. I'm also going to include an A/N at the end. Comment which you like more. Up top -or to the side- is Dylan Franco as Jake. He's going to be introduced in this chapter... Maybe. Anyways I hope you like this and I hope you all have a great day! 😘❤)

After we sealed our bet, Logan took me home, "You know you don't really need to give me a ride to school tomorrow. I'm more than capable of taking the bus to school."
We stood on my front porch facing each other, "No I insist. Plus it's like I'm giving you a heads start. You won't look like a GG if you show up on the back of my motorcycle." He gave a lopsided grin.
"I guess you're right." I agreed with him but was inwardly rolling my eyes, "Well bye then. See you tomorrow Logan."
He walked off and threw his hand up in the air as a goodbye.
This time I did roll my eyes. When I unlocked the door my parents stood in front of the stairs with their arms crossed, "Who was that Daytona?" My dad asked.
"None of your concern." I shoved my way between them and headed up the stairs, but I only made it half way.
"You bet it's my concern! I don't need a slut for a daughter." My dad bellowed from the bottom of the steps.
"He's just a friend dad! And since when did you start caring?" I yelled back, turned, then ran the rest of the way upstairs slamming my bedroom door.
I could hear my mom trying to calm my dad down, but it wasn't working. I picked up my pillow and threw it across the room letting out an anguished scream. I walked to go pick it up when I saw my leather jacket hanging in the back of my closet. My dad wanted to care? Then I'll give him something to care about.
I spent the next hour pulling out every single piece of clothing from 'The Good Ol' Days', which consisted mainly of leather, dark jeans, and band shirts. I also rummaged through my bathroom to find my old eyeliner and mascara.
After I had everything ready, I headed to the shower. I turned the water on to hot, letting it wash away all the knots in my shoulders.
I stepped out and dried the ends of my hair as I walked back to my room. I glanced at the stack of folders on my desk. My hand twitched to grab them and to start working on them, but I remembered I had to convince the whole school. What a better way to start then 'forgetting' to do my homework.
I switched off my light and climbed into bed pulling the covers up to my shoulders. It was only a few minutes before sleep wrapped me up in its embrace.
When I woke up the next morning I could already hear my parents arguing downstairs. I sighed and rolled out of bed heading to my bathroom.
I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth. When I was done I grabbed my eyeliner and did a thin line winging it out at the end. I put on a few swipes of mascara, threw my hair into a ponytail and called it good.
I walked back into my room and stood in front of my bed deciding what to wear. I ended up choosing a black Paramore tank top, black jeans with rips in them, my leather jacket and black combat boots.
I took one last look at myself in the mirror before I walked out the door. I walked downstairs into the kitchen not paying my parents any attention. I grabbed a bagel and headed for the door.
"Where are you going dressed like that?" I could hear my father calling from the kitchen.
I grabbed the handle opening the front door, "School!" I slammed it behind me.
Logan was already waiting for me outside of my house.
"You look peachy this morning." He said as I swung my leg over, climbing on behind him.
"I'm not in the mood." I wrapped my hands around his waist ignoring the butterflies I got in my stomach when I did.
"Got it Sunshine." I could hear the smirk in his voice. I wasn't really ready to argue with him so early in the morning.
"Whatever. Just drive." He chuckled lightly.
"Yes ma'am."
We rode in silence the rest of the way to school, but when we finally got there I felt knots start to form in my stomach.
Logan got off the bike and stood next to me, "Are you sure you want to go through with this? It's not to late to turn around."
I sucked in a deep breath, "I need to develop a backbone for myself, and if this is the way to do it, then I'm okay with it."
He nodded and held out his hand to help me up. I accepted his hand and pulled myself up and off the bike, but when I swung my leg around it got caught on the seat and I started to fall.
I fell onto Logan's chest and he staggered back a few steps. He wrapped his arms around me until I became steady.
My face erupted in embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks redening, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trip."
He let go of me and I took a step back, "Don't worry about it Day." I looked up and met his eyes. He was the first one to look away.
"Uh I guess I'll be heading to class." I started to walk off towards the school but he caught my arm.
"Lesson number one. Never show up to first period on time." I shook off all doubts I had. This was only going on for a month. All I have to do is win this bet and I can go back to being old boring me. But what if I don't want to? The thought crawled across my head.
No, I couldn't stay the way I am. But if I did, God help whoever dare mess with me.
Lunch rolled around but by second period kids were already talking about how I had changed. I headed over to Charlotte's table, but there was already a swarm of kids there asking her questions and I didn't feel like dealing with that so I spun around to head outside. I started heading outside when I glanced over my shoulder to hear Charlotte calling my name.
As I turned forward again I ran into a broad chest. What's with me and running into chests. My food tray got caught between us and I ended up spilling my smoothie all over me.
"What the hell watch where you're going!" I yelled when I finally looked up at the person who I ran into. He was tall. Taller than Logan. His hair was brown and his eyes were icy blue. I had never seen him around school before.
"I'm so sorry. Um I'm new here. My name is Jake. Jake Teller." He stuck his hand out.
"Sorry for yelling at you. I'm–"
"Daytona Lynn. Yea everyone is talking about you." I shook his hand and picked up my food that was on the floor.
"Uh I'm sorry about your shirt." I looked down at my Paramore shirt which now had red gunk all over it.
"It's fine. Do you want to come eat with me?" His eyes visibly lit up and a smile crept on to his face. His smile was like a little kids and it made me melt.
"That would be great! Thanks!" He helped me pick up the rest of my food and we headed outside together.
We sat at a picnic table outside in the courtyard, "Why is everybody talking about you?" He asked from across me, eating pizza.
"It's a long story."
"Is there a guy involved?"
I laughed, "When is a guy not involved?"
"What's the guys name?" I contemplated telling him about Logan, but he was bound to find out sooner or later.
"Logan Wylde." I coughed, "Speaking of the devil." As I said his name Logan made his way out towards Jake and I.
Jake and Logan did that handshake thing guys do, "So I see you guys have met."
"Yeah Logan and I go way back."
Logan nodded in agreement. I could almost picture them in elementary school causing mischief.
"What happened to your shirt Daytona?" Logan pointed down to where I had spilt smoothie on myself.
"I ran into Jake." I mumbled under my breath as he scratched his head laughing.
Logan started to take off his shirt. I hadn't noticed what he was wearing this whole time. He too had been wearing a black muscle tank and black jeans with a leather jacket. We looked like we were matching.
My cheeks started to grow warm at the thought of me and Logan purposely matching, "Wha-what are you doing? Put your shirt back on."
"And have you walk around in a shirt with a smoothie all over it? Just put on my shirt."
I took the shirt from his hands, "Um I'm going to go change."
"Nonsense just change right here."
"And have two teenage boys gawking at me? I think I'll pass." I headed towards the bathrooms inside the school.
I walked into the first open stall and started to take off my smoothie covered shirt.
"Have you seen Daytona recently?" I couldn't tell who the voice belonged to but it definitely wasn't one of my friends.
"Yea. Hasn't she been hanging out with Logan recently?" Both of the voices were high pitched and they most likely belonged to Makayla and Caroline.
Makayla and Caroline we're practically bimbo Barbie dolls. They had waist length blonde hair, boobs faker than McDonalds, and makeup that was packed on more than icing on a wedding cake, and we've been sworn enemies since eighth grade when I spilt blue Kool-aid on Makayla's white Michael Kors jeans.
"I heard that they were caught making out in the abandoned gym the other day."
"Well she is a slut. Did you see what she was wearing today? Shes begging for his attention." I couldn't tell who's voice was who's but I was pretty sure that it was Makayla calling me a slut.
Barbie one and two walked out of the bathroom laughing and I quickly put on Logan's shirt making sure to zip up my jacket so I wouldn't bring anymore unwanted attention to myself.
I slipped out of the bathroom quietly and walked back to the table with Jake and Logan.
I sat down and listened to them catch up, "Hey! Earth to Day!"
I threw my head up almost snapping my neck in the process, "Yea?"
"I asked you a question." Logan tilted his head at my 'odd' behavior.
"Sorry I wasn't paying attention."
"Clearly. Anyways what's your next class?"
"Forensics AP." Jake's face lit up with a smile.
"Me too!" I returned his smile with one of my own.
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and I stood up hooking my arm through Jake's, "Well let's go to Forensics."
I turned my head catching Logan watching us. Giving him a half hearted smile I turned back to the school with Jake.
At the end of the school day I met up with Logan and Jake in the main hallway, "So how was your first day at Clearwater, Jake?"
He sighed, "Its going to be rough trying to keep my grades up. Although I don't think Forensics will be a problem with you there to help me." Logan gagged.
"Well I've got to get Day home. See ya Jake." Logan waved at Jake as we headed to the front of the school.
"Bye Daytona!" Jake waved his hand vigorously at me and I laughed waving back. 
Logan grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the doors, "Chill out would you? I'm coming." He let go of my hand after I scolded him.
"I don't want you getting involved with him. Do you understand Daytona?" His voice and his muscles were more tense and serious than they usually are.
"What's so bad about him? He seems really laid back and chill. The complete opposite of you may I add."
"Let's hope you never have to find out." I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace so I was walking alongside him.
"You can't keep me from being his friend." I looked at Logan and his jaw clenched.
"But I will take your words into consideration and be cautious around him." I could tell he wasn't happy with my words but he appeared to not want to argue with me anymore.
Logan and I walked out of the school in silence.
(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to write this one. I'm trying to make the chapters longer which requires me to take longer make them. How are you liking Jake so far? Logan? I feel like this is about to be all Twilight with Team Edward or Team Jacob lol. I hope you all have a good day! Like, comment and vote. Later lovelies 😘💘)

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