Chapter 39

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Wherever I was had no source of heat whatsoever. It was dark too. My heart started to race and I looked everywhere for any signs that I was back in the warehouse Colton held me a few weeks ago.

"Hello?" My voice croaked and I realized my head felt like it waa splitting open. I pushed away pain long enough for me to stand up. "Is anyone there?" My hand slid up and down the wall searching for a light switch.

Slowly, I took a step to my left and kept my hand on the wall. I kept heading that way and eventually the tip of my boot hit something solid.


There were stairs here wherever I was. I climbed them as quickly as I could, trying not to pass out from the pain in my head. "You can make it Daytona. Just. A bit. Farther." Finally I reached the top of stairs and turned the knob.

Please let it be unlocked.

By the blessing of the gods it was unlocked, but it was jammed. I shoved my shoulder against it and it moved a bit. I did it again and black spots crossed across my vision. I don't know how that was possible considering it was dark down here but I didn't question the science behind it.

I shoved one more time and it popped open. My eyes were assaulted by the bright lights on the other side of the door . It felt again like my skull was splitting open, this time it was a lot more painful and I crumbled to the ground moaning.

"Daytona!" A disembodied voice called out to me. My ears started to ring shortly after. "Hey, Daytona. Look at me!" The voice was closer now, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes.

I tried to back away but it was almost like I was moving through molasses. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." My voice was scratchy.

"Sorry. Sorry for what? It's me. Jordan. Makayla and I have been looking for you all night long."

I cracked my eyes open, but the light ignited my headache again. "Turn the lights off please." When I heard the switch flip, I opened my eyes.

Natural light still streamed in through the millions of windows surrounding me, but it was better than the bright led lights that were on a second ago.

"Jordan? What do you mean all night long?" I looked around and barely remembered where I was. "Is this Makayla's place? What happened last night?"

"What do you mean what happened? Do you not remember?" He offered me his hand and pulled me up, but I crumpled again so he scooped me up bridal style.

"I, I remember there being a surprise party and I vaguely remember doing body shots, but after that it's all blank. What I do know, is that I have a massive hangover."

I moved to rest my head against his chest, but thought against it and stayed where I was. "Care to inform me on the events of what happened last night?" I asked.

"Well you forgave me for the other night, we beat Mason and Jake at beer pong, you slept on the couch for about an hour, you ate a cupcake and then disappeared. No one knows what happened to you." He carried me to his car and carefully set me in the seat.

I watched as he walked over to his side and climbed in. "Here. Take some Advil." He tossed me a bottle and I shook two out dry swallowing them.

"How did no one see where I went?" I slipped a pair of sunglasses on and closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the head rest.

"According to everyone in the kitchen, you took off. Which I don't know how considering right before hand you could hardly even walk without my help." His black hair was messy like he had been running his fingers through it all night long.

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