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In honour of 24/7 being ranked #19 IN FANFICTION!!!!!!!! HOLY FRICK YAY! Here's an update for you guys! :)

Keep commenting, keep reading, and keep voting!! I love you!


I had a headache.

It was the time for midterms and my brain was cringing at all of the information I was trying to shove inside of it.

I had all of my text books, notebooks, flash cards, my laptop and several granola bar wrappers all over the floor of the living room.

My eyes were trained on my psychology book trying to memorise all of the terms on my review.

"It looks like the library exploded in here." I heard Harry's voice and I groaned as I dropped my head down.

"My brain hurts."

"Do you need help studying?"

"You want to help?" I raised my eyebrow as I looked up at him.

"I don't have anything better to do and you look like you're about to mentally combust." He chuckled before walking over to me. "What do you need help with?"

"Can you quiz me on the vocab?" I handed him a sheet of paper and he sat down next to me on the floor.

"Okay, tell me what the difference between OCD and OCD personality disorder is." He read off the sheet.

I answered his questions as I laid down, reading over the review sheet to make sure we covered everything.

"True or false: Skinner was the psychologist who studied dreams and the subconscious." Harry said.

"True." I answered and then felt a pinch to the skin on the side of my leg. "OW!"

"Wrong." He said and I sat up.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You said true and the answer was false."

"So you pinched me?"


I rolled my eyes.

"It was Freud who studied dreams and the unconscious not Skinner." He said.

"Oh." I laid back down.

Every time I answered a question wrong after that Harry pinched my leg.

On the fifth time he pinched me I grabbed his wrist and yanked it away.

"Stop!" I hit his leg with my hand and he laughed.

"You're cute when you're frustrated."

"Stop being annoying." I quipped.

"Stop getting the answers wrong." He shrugged.

"I haven't gotten that many wrong." I scoffed as he came to lay down on his stomach next to me.

"Fine. So how about I reward you when you get one right, and when you get one wrong..." he moved his hand to pinch my leg again but I moved out of the way.

24/7 [h.s.]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora