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happy update! (another sad chapter, sorry)

things are going to be a bit heavy for awhile, but that's the way the story had to go :/

anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Harry's PoV:

I looked back over my shoulder, my eyes landing on Emma who looked devastated as I was led away from her.

I was then pushed through a set of double doors, and she disappeared from my sight.

I then looked ahead, keeping my eyes forward and my mouth shut as I was taken into the back of an SUV that began to drive to the FBI headquarters.

Once we got there I was taken into an interview room, my right hand being cuffed to the table before the guy holding me left.

If this were an episode of NCIS, Gibbs would be walking in here to interrogate me, but this wasn't, this was real life, and I was screwed.

After a while of sitting there, knowing people were watching me through the two way mirror, the door opened and the FBI chief, or as most people called him, Miller, walked in.

He closed the door before coming over to the table and tossing a manila folder on it before sitting down.

He stared at me for a moment before sighing.

"What the hell, Harry?"

I leaned back in my chair.

"You've trained with us since you could talk. Served in the military. Never had a problem. Spotless record. Had one of the most important jobs in the secret service at the age of 24 and then this?" He open the folder and slapped the photo of Emma and I kissing on the beach on the table. "What were you thinking?"

I didn't say anything.

"Are you exercising your right to not speak?" He asked me.

"No." I said.

"Then what do you have to say?"

"Well, I can honestly say i've never been handcuffed before."

He shook his head.

"This isn't a time for jokes."

"Look, i'm already fired and i'm blacklisted from ever working in the government and military again, what do I have to lose?"

"Life in prison for government conspiracy if you don't play your cards right." He said.

"I'm not committing any type of conspiracy."

"Do you know how this looks?" He asked me.


"Then why the hell would you have done this if it wasn't to get close to the family in order to carry out a plot. Are you working with the RR?"

"I let emotions cloud my judgement and that's why I did what I did. But i'm not working with the RR and I think all of the times I've saved that family from getting killed proves that."


"Because if I really wanted to hurt the president or his family why wouldn't I have done it by now? I would've had every opportunity. I was in the White House constantly. I spent Christmas at their house, and I slept twenty feet away from his daughter every night."

"I think you slept a little closer than that."

"Funny." I scoffed, a small smile on my lips.

"So why? Why ruin your career and spotless reputation over a girl?" He asked. "Please explain it to me Harry, because I don't get it."

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