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happy update!

wow...long time and no update...

i know, i know, it's been a long time. way too long. some of you have probably forgotten about this story or removed it from your library, and honestly...i get it.

however, i've missed this story too.

something you guys don't know is that i have majorly anxiety, and when i started seeing some not so nice comments on the story, i started to go down the rabbit hole. i put so much pressure on myself to make the chapters i wrote perfect, that i got burnt out and i shut down. it took me a long time to do some self reflection, and get to a place where i felt like i not only wanted to write but could mentally write.

so, here i am. i'm back. with the biggest reveal update that you guys have been waiting for
for far too long.

so to recap: harry and emma got engaged, jamie was attached and we learned the RR were back, then harry thought emma died in a car explosion but she didn't, they hid from the public eye and then returned, Emma found out she was pregnant and then both her and Harry were kidnapped by the RR.

this bring us to now, the moment where we find out who is behind the RR.

some of you might expect it, some of you are going to be confused, mad, sad, or pissed off but...the time is here.

enjoy ;)

Previously in 24/7...Emma leaned her head down so it rested against my chest, and I placed my hand on her face, feeling her cold skin beneath my fingers. She was still shivering.

There had to be another way to get her out of here.

Suddenly I heard a clanging noise and both Emma and I snapped our heads up, searching to our left for the source of the sound.

"What was that?" She whispered.

"I don't know."

My heartbeat was picking up it's pace again,

Then I heard a click and then the sound of rushing air. Even though I couldn't see a thing, I knew exactly what was happening. They were going to knock us out again, like they had done to us in the car.

"Cover your nose and mouth." I said as I pulled my shirt up to cover the lower part of my face, Emma doing the same with my jacket.

There was nothing I could do in this moment to stop it, all I could do was hope that this was not my last moment with Emma.

I held her face as close to my chest as possible as I buried my head in her neck.

I had promised to protect Emma until my last breath... I just didn't know that last breath would be so soon.


A gasp left my lips as my eyes shot open and my head snapped up, my mind taking a few moments to come alive to decipher where I was, but before I could even look around, I registered the excruciating pain in my body.

I looked up at the concrete ceiling to see my arms over my head, a metal shackle attached to my wrists and a chain connecting them to the ceiling. Looking down I could see my feet, my toes barely scraping the ground. I was dangling in the air by my hands.

24/7 [h.s.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora