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welcome back and happy update!

before anything, i want to apologise for taking so long to update. without going into details, all i'll say is that life happened and stuff went down that prevented me from writing for awhile, but i'm back with an update for you guys that i'm pretty sure you'll like ;)

like always, i'm not going to make promises I won't be able to keep, however, 3 months was way too long without an update and I understand that so i will do my best to make sure that doesn't happen again

i know some people might be mad at me and i understand that, but things happened and i needed time to heal and work on myself, and now part of my healing was finishing this chapter and getting it out to you all

thank you for those who sent me messages and checked up on me, i'll be responding back, and thank you for loving this story and the characters like you do. in my absence we reached 10 million reads, and that's something i only imagined happening in my wildest dreams, so thank you for making my dreams come true!

i love you all so much and i hope you all love this update too, i won't say much but i think it has something in it you've all been waiting for...

as always, enjoy ;)

Harry's PoV:

"We're going on vacation! We're going on vacation! Woo!" Emma sang as she danced from the bedroom to the closet, her suitcase open on the bed.

I shook my head as I laughed at her.

Ever since we had booked a trip to Bora Bora she had been nothing but excited.

We had decided a vacation would be best for us, give us some time to relax after her charity gala and before I went back to work. I wouldn't be going back overseas, not right now anyway, but I would be going for training.

I knew I wasn't ready to go back overseas, and participate in any missions, but if I could get my body and mind back in shape, I would be one step closer.

Emma came dancing back in the room, swimsuits in her hands and tossed them on the bed before going back to the closet. This time she went to slide across the wood floors of the bathroom but slipped, falling down on the floor.

"Jesus." I muttered under my breath as I jogged over to her, kneeling down beside her. "You okay?" I asked her.

"Yes." She began to laugh as she sat up. "Well that was fun while it lasted."

I took her hands and pulled her up into an upright position, but her socks made her slip again and she fell into me as I caught her.

This made us both laugh.

Once she was up and stable, she put her arms around my neck.

"So are you excited about vacation?" She asked me, a small smirk toying on her lips.

"Yes." I placed my hands on her hips.

"Just you and I alone on a beach with villas and bungalows and sailboats... i'm ready for it." She smiled before leaning up to kiss me.

"I'm ready for that... and maybe other things too." I said between kisses and she let out a sexy laugh before kissing me again.

"EMMY!" A shrill squeal pierced the air and Emma and I broke our kiss just as Mila came sprinting into our bathroom.

"Mila, not so loud." Emma said as the little girl bounded up to us, a grin on her face.

"The cookies are done!" Mila jumped up and down.

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